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Liz (brunette, 5'8", strong, adventurous, hazel eyes, 17, any rp): *What I didn't know, is that I was the next victim of the red demon.*

Liz (brunette, 5'8", strong, adventurous, hazel eyes, 17, any rp): *I was walking home one burning hot afternoon and I was looking forward to dinner that night*

Food Demon (1 of 6) (I know it doesn't make sense): *The spirit had snuck into the house, knowing who he was getting his hands on. These spirits could be known to range from hunting only one person, to plaguing entire families. No one would be able to see him, even if he didn't sneak around, but it's much more fun that way.*

Liz (brunette, 5'8", strong, adventurous, hazel eyes, 17, any rp): *My stomach growled as I entered the house, smelling the aroma of fresh pasta and vegetables on the stove. I had no idea what I was in for.* I'm home! *I said loud enough for everyone to hear.*

Food Demon (1 of 6) (I know it doesn't make sense): Ah, so she arrives. The maiden of honor. *He speaks quietly. No one could see him unless he willingly appeared before them, but they could potentially hear him. And he has mainly come for the young lady. He sneaks off to the kitchen, thinking out his strategy as he goes.*

Liz (brunette, 5'8", strong, adventurous, hazel eyes, 17, any rp): *I yawn and lay on the couch, awaiting the finish of the making of dinner. In the meantime, I text a good friend of mine.* Hey, just got home. Can't wait for this weekend XD *I say, unaware that the weekend would never come*

Food Demon (1 of 6) (I know it doesn't make sense): *He slips into the kitchen, and makes his way over to the boiling pot of pasta. He activates his abilities and releases a few drops of his poison into the pot, so it could be cooked into the noodles. As she eats, he knows what she will feel. At first, a horrible burning sensation in her mouth, then it'll move down to her throat, then to her lungs which should throw her into a coughing fit, and by the time she finishes this meal, she will become one, in a way. He chuckles softly to himself, and sneaks out of the kitchen. He finds her, and watches from about a yard away.*

Liz (brunette, 5'8", strong, adventurous, hazel eyes, 17, any rp): *My friend doesn't end up texting back in time.* Dinner's ready. *My mom calls out. I quickly go over and receive my helping of pasta. I sit down and soon, my whole family is eating the poisoned pasta*

Liz (brunette, 5'8", strong, adventurous, hazel eyes, 17, any rp): *At first, we all think that it's just hot, so we continue eating. My throat closes up after a minute along with everyone else's throat. I try to reach my phone but I miss, falling to the floor.*

Food Demon (1 of 6) (I know it doesn't make sense): *He then decides to let them see what happened. He appears in front of them. He appears human, with black hair, red eyes, an outfit with a color scheme of mainly red and black, and pale skin. The only that could tip off that he wasn't human is the soft red glow about him.* Enjoying your meal? I added a special little ingredient. My own personal creation. Soon, you'll all be mine. But I'll take the girl first. *He chuckles as he approaches the young lady.*

Liz (brunette, 5'8", strong, adventurous, hazel eyes, 17, any rp): *I struggle and flop around for a moment, then I become completely still with fear. I know it's too late already.*

Liz (brunette, 5'8", strong, adventurous, hazel eyes, 17, any rp): *I just sit there hoping it isn't any more painful, and that my friend doesn't meet the same fate*

Liz (brunette, 5'8", strong, adventurous, hazel eyes, 17, any rp): *Somehow producing a sigh, I sit there and await my impending doom*

Food Demon (1 of 6) (I know it doesn't make sense): Aw, look at you. You realize what's going on now. But there's no way to stop it. You realize that as well. Not to worry, my dear. You and your family will not come to any more pain. My brothers and I will take good care of you. *He leans forward and kisses her, with each second it lasts, she becomes gradually weaker and paler. He is taking her soul. The only way he knows how. At least with the opposite gender.*

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