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*Crosses arms lightly* Hello. Who're you?

Food demon (1 of 6) (It'll be easier if you let me explain): *He is a little surprised that he had been spotted. He thought he was remaining invisible. Oh well.* Uh... H-hi. Um... *answering the second question will not be easy*

Robert Jones || aph W. Virginia (m, 19-ish, dark hair/pale/bags under grey eyes, closeted bi): *raises an eyebrow as he takes in the other's odd behavior* you all right there, buddy?

Food demon (1 of 6) (It'll be easier if you let me explain): Uh, y-yeah. Totally. Totally fine. *He pushes his sky blue glasses upwards on his nose, pursing his lips together.* My name is... J-James. Yeah, James. *His cover name. This person can't know who he really is.*

Robert Jones || aph W. Virginia (m, 19-ish, dark hair/pale/bags under grey eyes, closeted bi): James. *says flatly, disbelievingly* you sounded /totally/ sure of yourself, James, you know that?

Food demon (1 of 6) (It'll be easier if you let me explain): Uh... W-well, um... Th-that's just me. I tend to be kinda shy. *That much was true. He was the youngest and the shyest of the 6 brothers.*

Robert Jones || aph W. Virginia (m, 19-ish, dark hair/pale/bags under grey eyes, closeted bi): *softens slightly* oh. Sorry 'bout that. Didn't mean to suggest you couldn't be shy or anything, you just...sounded unsure of your own name.

Food demon (1 of 6) (It'll be easier if you let me explain): *he shrugs* Yeah, that can happen. I tend to stutter and pause a lot in my sentences, so that might've been why.

Robert Jones || aph W. Virginia (m, 19-ish, dark hair/pale/bags under grey eyes, closeted bi): Mm. Well. *clears throat sort of hesitantly* let's not make this awkward, yeah? ...I'm Robert, anyway.

Food demon (1 of 6) (It'll be easier if you let me explain): Oh, o-ok then... Nice to meet you. *He hesitantly extends a hand out.*

Robert Jones || aph W. Virginia (m, 19-ish, dark hair/pale/bags under grey eyes, closeted bi): *smiles sort of halfhearted, lazily, and shakes his hand gently back* Nice to meet ya too, James.

Food demon (1 of 6) (It'll be easier if you let me explain): *He's somewhat quick to pull back. He then looks down at his feet, not knowing what else to say.*

Robert Jones || aph W. Virginia (m, 19-ish, dark hair/pale/bags under grey eyes, closeted bi): *looks at him sort of reluctantly curious* so, what do you like to do for fun?

Food demon (1 of 6) (It'll be easier if you let me explain): Uh... F-fun, uh... *He couldn't think straight, he had absolutely no idea what to say. If he told anything of the truth, he could end up in grave danger, and possibly drag his brothers into trouble too.*

Robert Jones || aph W. Virginia (m, 19-ish, dark hair/pale/bags under grey eyes, closeted bi): Hey, relax, kid -- you look like you're about to pass out..

Food demon (1 of 6) (It'll be easier if you let me explain): O-oh... Sorry, I didn't realize... Um... I just can't really think straight right now. Feeling somewhat on the spot, you know? God, that probably sounds dumb...

Robert Jones || aph W. Virginia (m, 19-ish, dark hair/pale/bags under grey eyes, closeted bi): No, not at all. *shrugs and sticks hands in pockets* sorry. You don't have to answer if you don't feel comfortable or anything.

Food demon (1 of 6) (It'll be easier if you let me explain): It's just... There are some things that I really shouldn't tell anybody, and I'm kind of afraid of letting my mouth slip. *He covers his mouth, realizing that just by saying he was hiding something, he had said too much.*

Food DemonsWhere stories live. Discover now