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A Satyr (Fantasy Medieval/Steampunk/Modern RP): The satyr sits upon the kitchen table, his back arched to the source of bright light in the middle of the night, while some lights were turned on, none were as shiny as his laptop. The sounds of his fingers smacking against the keyboard distracting, as they hold such a uneasy rhythm but somehow still congruent to each other. His eyes dimmened by the lack of sleep, his floppy ears falling down as he stares at the monitor aimlessly, almost to blink with each passing minute.

Food demon (1 of 6) (I can explain, I know it's weird): *The demon had snuck into apartment, knowing who his target was. He had reason to actually be sneaking around this time, as he did not know whether or not a satyr would be able to see him when he was invisible to humans. He simply watched and waited for his chance to strike.*

A Satyr (Fantasy Medieval/Steampunk/Modern RP): He does not hear the demon's entrance. It is late in the evening, at the very least witching hour, if anyone was to be awake at such time, not only would they occasionally leave their work for getting food but also not be in their upmost faculties to recognize threats, even if they were as deadly.

Food demon (1 of 6) (I can explain, I know it's weird): *He sneaks his way to the kitchen, knowing his target has to get food at some point. He waits, still watching the satyr at work, and thinking over his strategy.*

A Satyr (Fantasy Medieval/Steampunk/Modern RP): Abruptly, the satyr sighs loudly and grabs his own face in distress, throwing his head back as he groans "Goddamnit!" he exclaims, his voice weary as he pulls the folds of skin on his face back to keep his senses active.

Food demon (1 of 6) (I can explain, I know it's weird): *Hm... He may need something for that. A bit of a stress reliever treat. The demon quickly and quietly looks around his target's supply, and puts a few drops of poison into a container of ice cream, hoping he made the right selection.*

A Satyr (Fantasy Medieval/Steampunk/Modern RP): The satyr stands up from his seat, groaning he stretches his back forward as it clicks together. He then goes and walks torwards the refrigerator.

Food demon (1 of 6) (I can explain, I know it's weird): *He quickly exits the kitchen, still not knowing wether or not this satyr can see him. He still watches, to see what he grabs, wether or not he poisoned the right item.*

A Satyr (Fantasy Medieval/Steampunk/Modern RP): He opens the door, letting the cold breeze hit his face, his eyes widening lightly as he feels the coldness like bliss. He stares at the contents inside for a while with the same confusedly unmoving stare, but soon enough grabs a bottle of soda and serves himself a glass.

Food demon (1 of 6) (I can explain, I know it's weird): *The demon face palms. He goofed up. He poisoned the wrong thing. Maybe if he sets the soda down and leaves it he can sneak up and poison it. But there seems to be a low chance of that happening.*

A Satyr (Fantasy Medieval/Steampunk/Modern RP): He then puts the soda back in its place and rummages through the fridge's shelves, his stomach audibly rumbling.

Food demon (1 of 6) (I can explain, I know it's weird): *He continues to watch. If the target is grabbing something else, maybe the slip up wasn't as he bad as he was thinking. He smiles a little to himself as he hears the satyr's stomach growling. At this point, who knows what he's going to grab.*

A Satyr (Fantasy Medieval/Steampunk/Modern RP): To the demon's spite he grabs Chinese food leftovers and puts them in the microwave. He then walks up to the utensil cabinet and grabs a pair of chopsticks.

Food demon (1 of 6) (I can explain, I know it's weird): *He turns his back to the kitchen and buries his face in his hands, the skin-to-skin collision giving an audible smack. Ok, maybe there's still a way. If he leaves either of these items alone, he can sneak up and poison them. But again, small chance of that happening.*

A Satyr (Fantasy Medieval/Steampunk/Modern RP): His ears perk up as he beckons "Pealde, what the fuck?! Is that you?" his voice seems consciously nervous, prehaps speculating the sound to come from a robber of some sort.

Food demon (1 of 6) (I can explain, I know it's weird): *He quickly moves away from the kitchen as quiet as possible, giving no answer to the satyr's question.*

A Satyr (Fantasy Medieval/Steampunk/Modern RP): It was to the demon's luck that the satyr lived alongside someone else "Pealde, are you awake?" he calls tiredly, his voice like a groan.

Food demon (1 of 6) (I can explain, I know it's weird): *He's not going to answer. There is no way he's going to answer. This is insanely risky in the first place. But his curiosity had gotten the better of him as he had wondered what the soul of a creature like a satyr would taste like. But he is not going to answer the question, no way, no how.*

A Satyr (Fantasy Medieval/Steampunk/Modern RP): With a sense of dread as to what hides within the complex, he walks up to a cabinet and takes a hammer from it, like a threat to those looking at him as he growls "Who's in there?" as he raises the hammer over his horns.

Food demon (1 of 6) (I can explain, I know it's weird): *He whispers to himself, surprisingly very frightened in this situation.* Oh god no. No. *He moves off again, by the front door, thinking he'd have to get out of there quickly.*

A Satyr (Fantasy Medieval/Steampunk/Modern RP): "Who the fuck's in there?" he growls again as he wanders through the apartment aiming to find the uninvited guest with the weapon in hand

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