Chapter 24

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***Percy's POV***

I sat on the floor in my room. I stared out of the window, lost in my thoughts.

Why did Joker leave me?

Tears welled up.

Why did I have to fight with Nico?

A tear fell.

Why couldn't I just go back in time and change it all?

More tears fell.

Because I'm stupid, that's why.

The dam broke and soon I was crying. Quietly, but crying nonetheless.

The door opened to reveal Loki. I hugged my knees tighter. He walked over to me.

Sitting next to me, he asked, "What's wrong?"

Sniffling, I looked at him through my tears.

"Or wait until you can talk without choking on your tears," he added.

This made the tears flow more. He eventually wrapped his arm around me in a half hug. Burying my face in his shoulder, tears streamed down my face.

"Shh...shh...I'm here," he whispered to me softly. "I'm not going to leave you, Percy. Never."

After a long time of me crying and him comforting me, the tears slowed and came to a stop.

"Better?" he asked me, his dark eyebrows knit in concern.

"Y-yeah. Thanks, Loki," I sniffled.

He smiled down at me. "Anything for you, Percy. Anything."

We sat there for a while, losing track of time, lost in our thoughts. A soft meow jerked me out of my thoughts. I looked down to see Blue, who was on my lap, along with Nyx on Loki's lap.

Loki smiled as I laughed quietly, picking Blue up. I set her on my palm, then tried mimicking the faces she was making. It didn't work. I just looked stupid, but it was fun. 

"What're you doing?" Loki asked me. 

"Trying to make the same faces as her. It didn't work." 

"I see." 

I looked over at him to see that he was making the same faces as Nyx, only successfully.

"Why don't we go eat dinner?" he suggested. 

"Sure." I put Blue down. I climbed to my feet, then helped Loki up. I walked out of the room, Loki, Blue and Nyx following me. 

I slowed to a halt as a feeling of panic settled in me. 

I was going to tell them...everything.

I was. 

Seriously. I was. 

The feeling of panic, however, put doubt in my head. 

"You alright?" Loki questioned from behind. I nodded, then continued to walk. It felt like I was walking to the end of my life. 

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