Prologue:Destruction of Uzu

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Everything was calm in the village of Uzushiogakure, all peaceful that was until a fleet of fifty warships were on the horizon, all with hostile flags, every warrior in Uzu got ready for the upcoming battle, all except eleven, Naruto Ryū Uzumaki and his ten guards, The Uzushio Densetsu no Jukenshi, the Legendary ten swordsman of Whirlpools, all legendary in their own right, they were all more famous than the seven swordsman of the mist who were only famous for their unique swords. Each one had mastered the highest level of the art of the sword, each one alone could take down an army, ten could take down an army as big a the one coming at them currently, so why weren't they getting ready for battle? Naruto.
"Naruto-Sama, if we don't get ready Uzu may fall!" Yelled Ryū Uzumaki, Naruto however shrugged, "Ryū wether I like it or not this nation will fall soon, people are afraid, and fear turns into hate, it's an endless cycle, so if we let it run it's course the Uzumaki will no longer be feared as they will be near extinction. Now do not question my orders again or I will severely punish you." A mutter of 'Yes Naruto-Sama was heard, "Now Ryū get the squad of ten here, we will wait out this war, that is before we will strike back at the nations that attacked us with the intent on complete destruction, we will show the world that The Uzumaki clan is not to be trifled with, then we will rebuild the clan here, on the soon to be ruins of Uzushiogakure." The man did as told an collected the Uzushio Densetsu no Jukenshi, "Now I expect you ten have enough food on you to last up to a few months in scrolls?" They all nodded and sat back in the invisible floating tower and waited it out.
The battle lasted exactly one month, most Uzumaki died, women, children, men, it didn't matter, only a few children and their respective guardians escaped however only a force of fourteen was left, Naruto let them leave alive as they didn't have any Uzu property as it was all sealed off with seals even a stage ten Uzumaki master couldn't break them and all items and bodies of  the Uzumaki had melted upon death and reformed in either the library, morgue, or the armoury because of unique seals practiced by every Uzumaki, even civilians.
When the intruders left Naruto walked over the battlefield with his ten guardians, sneering in disgust at the bodies of the attacking force, "Fukurō, I want you and three others to get the Hitai-Ate's and anything useful from all of these scum, then dispose of their bodies, Okami, I want you and two others to make sure nothing of Value was actually stolen, Ryū you come with me, although I don't care for these people it is tradition to mourn family and I am not above tradition, I want you by my side for the full three days." They nodded and did what they were told without question.
Three days later Naruto got out and the first thing he did was eat, followed by extensive physical and mental training, the currently five year old Naruto trained like that for three years before he started on the ninja arts, he trained himself so hard in every aspect of ninja life that was available, he used upwards of one thousand shadow clones to do mental work for him and a few hundred constantly working on chakra control so he could master it, a few weeks later he mastered control of his chakra and started on mastering elemental control for all five main elements.
It took till he was a year older to finish mastery over them, and mastery was considered the level at which Tobirama Senju was at before he died, there was a specific reason Naruto was doing this, the Uzumaki had many bloodlines, but the least known was the Rinnegan, the eyes of legend, outsider knowledge said some of the abilities if the amazing dojutsu, but few were correct, the perfect chakra control and mastery over the elements were requirements for getting the eyes, but not all of them, the remaining ones were to be of Uzumaki blood, and have someone you love almost kill you before you kill them, like activating the Sharingan and then the Mangekyou right after, however that was just the basic Rinnegan, there was still the Rinne Sharingan, the eye of the juubi as the books in the clan called it, Naruto believed a Rinnegan with bijuu chakra infused in it would become a Rinne Sharingan, a Pure eye that could destroy all, the other way to get the Rinnegan was to mix Senju or Uzumaki blood with Uchiha, creating a dark purple imitation of the true silver form of the eyes. The only real difference was the eighth and ninth paths not being open for an impure Rinnegan.
Naruto was almost ready to leave Uzu on his tenth birthday, all he needed to do was collect everything from the village that was left and leave, however he had yet to get the Rinnegan so he came up with a brilliant idea, "Kamereon, come here, you are the best at Genjutsu of the ten correct?" The woman nodded and he told her his plan, she obliged and put him in a genjutsu that would make it seem as though his own mother and father was trying to kill him, he ran for a bit almost getting killed numerous times as he didn't want to hurt them, even if he knew it was an illusion, eventually he gave up running and pierced the heart of his father with a kunai, slicing his mothers throat with a Tanto, when the illusion was over Naruto's eyes changed from the deep ocean blue they were to a bright silver with black rings circling them. "Good job Kamereon, I will remember your help in the future, tell the others we're packing up, I want to check on Konoha for the time being." Kamereon nodded and quickly sprinted her way to the house holding the nine other Jukenshi, It was about time Naruto found out what had happened to their requested backup years earlier, wether or not they were left standing was up to Naruto's choice.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2016 ⏰

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