Part 17

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"I feel like we're sixteen years old."

"Why?" I asked.

"Because I feel like I'm falling in love for the first time.." he didn't say anything else after that and he started driving.

And left me there,speechless,for the milionth time...


We arrived at the festival twenty minutes later and many people were heading towards the entrance. I was really excited about tonight,because it was like a double date for me and Jade.

We got out of the car and Nate called Chris to ask him if they've arrived.

"Are they here?"

"Yeah,they are at the roller coaster right now."

"Oh..." that's all I said,unsure if I wanted to experience any of these stuff. Even though I'd love to,I feel like the roller coaster is gonna stop and we are gonna fall and die.

"What's wrong?" Nate said,and and hugged me.

"I don't know if I wanna join you at the roller coaster...I am scared but you can go of course!"

"How do you know that I'd get in?" He said and smirked.

"Because I know that you are not afraid of your thoughts and believe that those things are safe!" He laughed and put his shoulder around my waist.

"You know me too well!" I laughed at that too and I haven't realised that we were had already reached the line for the tickets. Nate bought two and I felt bad because since we've come here,he always pays for everything. We passed the entrance and then we walked towards the roller coaster line and that's werw I saw Jade. She hugged me and kissed my cheek.

"Heyy beautiful.." she said in a thicker tone,trying her best to immitate a male voice. We laughed hard at that because it was an inside joke and no one would ever know who we're mocking.

"Heeeyy" I answered back and winked at her. The boys were looking at us,as normal as they could because they didn't know what we were doing.

"Are you guys having any fun?" Jade said at both Nate and I. I was ready to reply to her but Nate was quicker.

"Just ask my neighboors. A second opinion wouldn't mind me." Nate and Jade both smirked and I blushed immediately because some parents gave us some stares around us.

"Both of you just shut up!" I said and Chris laugjed at that.

"She is right,come on! Are you hungry guys?"

"Not really.." I said and Nate put his arm around my shoulder.

"Then let's walk..!" Jade suggested and we did as she said. She was standing some millimetres away from Chris and they were really cute because he looked like he was trying his best not to put his hand around her shoulder or interwine their fingers. But it was their third date I think...

We had passed many stalls and we stopped when I saw one that you can win a soft toy of your choice.

"Do you want one??" Nate told me and my smile couldn't grow any bigger.

"Yeah!" He had to throw three pyramids with five throws. He knocked down the first one with just one throw and the other two with two throws each time.

"Which one do you want?" A young man told me who was working on that stall.

"I want Flounder!" I said and reached to take him when he offered it to me. I kissed Nate on the cheek and he put his hand around my waist.

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