Chapter 59 | Riddle

Start from the beginning

"I was joking about being called Juan."

"Yeah I know," He says and a smile creeps onto my face after remembering what I put as his name in my phone. "What?" He asks.

"Nothing. Just remembering what your name is on my phone."

"Is it still 'my bae' from when I gave you my number?" He smiles and I blush faintly at the memory.

"Actually," I start to say. "It's not."

"How dare you change it?" He exclaims, registering fake hurt on his face.

"It's still pretty much the same."

"What is it then?"

"Poop," I reply, trying not to smile.

"What?!" He splutters. "Why do you have me as 'poop' in your contacts?"

"Do I have to tell you again? Bae means poop in Danish."

"And do I need to remind you again?" Jack says in the same tone. "We're not Danish."

"You never know. You could have an ancestor who's Danish," I say with a wave of my hand. "I was only joking. It's just Jack."

He laughs. "Let's go." We go downstairs and I put my hand on the front door when it suddenly opens. I jump out of the way to avoid getting hit.

"Oh, hey guys," Jaclyn says, bustling through the door with a large number of shopping bags.

"Let me help you," I say, going forward to take some bags from her.

"No, no there's no need! It's fine but thank you, Sabina. Unlike you, my own son wouldn't bother asking!" She says and lightly slaps Jack on the back of his head as a joke.

"Um, we're going now," He says and she smiles.

"Good luck," She whispers to him as we leave his house. I wonder what she means by good luck.

"You're such a slob, Jack," I say, touching his chin as we walk to the nearest shop. "Honestly, if you keep forgetting to shave, you're going to have a beard up to your feet."

"You're such a Juan, Sabina," He retorts.

"What the heck is that supposed to mean?" I say with a laugh.

"It means that you're a Juan and that's why your name is Juan in my phone."

"Great explanation," I say sarcastically. Once we reach the shop, I pick out a big bag of skittles. I realise that I didn't bring any money with me. I start to put it back when Jack takes it out of my hands and goes to the front counter to pay for it. We leave the shop and start walking back.

"Your hands are cute," Jack randomly says and he lifts my hand up to look at it.

"That's a weird thing to compliment," I reply.

"Should I compliment your pupil then?" He says with a laugh.

"Ok no, that's even weirder," I say, laughing with him. As we reach my house, I pop the last skittle in my mouth and stuff the empty packet in my pocket. Maybe if I hadn't used most of them aimlessly throwing them at Jack, I'd still have a lot left.

"Hey! You said I could have the last skittle!" Jack exclaims.

"There's some on the floor way back there. You can have those ones," I say and he shakes his head.

I get my keys out and unlock the door. We step in and I close the door to see an envelope taped on the other side. I slightly tilt my head to the side as I look at it in confusion. The pace of my heart unwillingly quickens as I take the envelope off the door. I'm about to fold it and put it into my pocket when Jack sees. I hide it behind my back instead.

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