Chapter 10

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"What?" I asked as my breathing quickened.

"Scar I'm your brother" Ricky repeated.

"Why didn't you tell me before?" I whispered.

"I didn't know till 2 weeks ago" He replied.

I nodded and I heard Ricky sigh.

I looked up at him and wrapped my arms around his neck. He instantly wrapped his arms back around me.

"You do know that M Shadows isn't your real Uncle right?"

"Yeah, he's just a family friend" I shrugged and Ricky smiled.

"Thank god I didn't have to explain that"

I jumped off the counter and nudged Ricky with my hip.

"Hurry up you guys have to play soon" I said and walked out the bathroom.

I saw Balz in the living area so I went and dived next to him.

"Supppppp" He said and pulled out his phone.

"Selfies!" He yelled and snapped a couple pictures of us both.

I felt a pair of arms snake around my waist and I turned around to see Chris.

"Hey baby" He smiled and I leaned into him.


"Come on guys we're on in 10 minutes" Ryan said walking out of the bathroom.

Chris stood up and pulled me up with him. He walked out of the door and crouched down.

"Hop on"

I smiled and jumped on his back. We were walking along when I realised something.

"You're really fucking tall. Everyone is peasants compared to you" I said and Chris smirked.

"Hey Rick!" I yelled and he looked up from his phone.


I pointed at him, "Peasant!"

Chris laughed and put me down.

"No I like being tall!" I whined and Chris intertwined our fingers.

"Babe you can be tall another day"

I sighed and Chris swung our hands back and forth.

"What songs you guys playing?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Uh, Devils Night, Hatefuck, Puppets, Synthetic Love, Divine Infection, Black Damask then finishing with Immaculate" He explained and I nodded.

"You know if I asked you to get up on stage and sing with me, would you?" He asked and I looked up at him.

"Is that a hint Mr Cerulli?"

"Maybe it is Miss Dark"

I sighed, knowing that 'Dark' isn't really my last name really sucked. It's a cool name.

"You know Dark isn't my last name right?"

"No.... What is it?" Chris asked.

I took a deep breath and looked up at Chris.

"Olson" I said and squinting my eyes from the bright sun.

"Does that mean you're related to Ricky?"


"So you're his little sister?"


"That's cool babe"

When I looked up we were at the side of the stage.

Chris bounced on his heels and bent down to give me a kiss. He pulled away with a smile.

"I love you" He whispered and I grinned.

"I love you too" I whispered back as he ran on stage.

I was daydreaming until I heard my name being mentioned.

"So all of you will know my beautiful girlfriend Scarlett. She's in a band called Death Will Take Us, and is hot as fuck. Babe come up here" Chris said and held his hand out to me.

I grabbed it as I walked next to him on stage.

"Hey everyone" I spoke into the mic.

"So everyone will know that Andy from Death Will Take Us committed suicide a couple weeks ago. And he was Scar's best friend. They were practically inseparable, joined at the hip did everything together. Andy dude, you're dearly missed. You're one of the reasons the girl I love is here today. So man, I thank you for that. Andy, this song is for you" Chris spoke as City Lights began to play.

I felt tears pour down my cheeks and Chris pulled me into a tight hug. The crowd clapped and screamed and whistled for the speech Chris just made.

"I miss him so much" I cried into his chest.

"I know baby, everyone does" He said as he started to sing City Lights.

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