03 | Double Date

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"Vanessa said a lot about you. I'm David Valentino. It's good to finally meet you."

Replying back with a smile, I told him the same thing as I shook his hand.

Vanessa then introduced, "Maisie, this is David's cousin, Logan Valentino."

Now putting my attention to my date, Logan almost gave me a blurry image of the delivery boy. It was peculiar, yet I had the same feeling when I saw David too.

Logan was just as good-looking, maybe even cuter—but I kept that to myself. He had those same dark blue eyes and jet-black hair, which probably ran in the family. He grinned at me, and I was shocked at how captivating his smile was. Logan revealed a row of shiny, white teeth. His voice was somewhat lighter than David's.

"Nice to meet you. I guess you know who I am already."

Through his grinning, I heard him chuckle. I couldn't help but laugh along. Soon, the circle of four laughed. We were then escorted to sit in probably the best seat of the house. It was its own room with a table large enough to feed triple our party of four. A large diamond chandelier hung right above it. The colors of Symphony's were splashes of dark reds and golds, giving off a warm feeling. Our waitress gave us a welcoming smile as she handed us the menus.

The elder lady slightly teased. "Well, I rarely see you boys here. But, I see what the occasion is."

My eyes made a sharp turn to see their reaction. David lowered his head. Was he nervous?

Logan grinned. "Dinner with new friends."

The waitress gave a pleased smile and left the table for us to decide on our orders. As we were glancing over the menus, I noticed that Vanessa was already bursting in conversation with David. I heard someone chuckle from across.

Logan caught my eyes and smiled. "Shall we get to know each other?"

Embarrassment ran through me, hoping that I didn't give the impression of a snob.

Logan placed his menu down and said, "The thing is, I'm not much of a topic starter."

That caused me to smile.

I laughed gently. "Okay. Well, I'm helping my family run our market. I—I..."

Trying my best to figure out what else to say, I was stumped.

Running my hands through the ends of my curls, I said, "I don't like talking about myself a lot. I'm sure you're more interesting than I am. I heard your family owns a big business."

Logan said, "I'm not interesting. Have you heard of Phoenix Empire, Maisie?"

Phoenix... Phoenix... The more I thought about it, I remembered.

Phoenix Empire was a huge company that was booming with popularity and revenue. They practically owned everything.

Wait a second.

No wonder the last name "Valentino" sounded familiar.

My eyes shot up at Logan, and he nodded. "This hotel right here is family owned. My dad and two uncles are all CEOs of Phoenix Empire. I'm currently in college right now getting into business. So, my life was set in stone since the day I was born."

For some reason, there was something gloomy about the sound of Logan's voice.

He sighed and joked, "See, not really that big, huh?"

Why didn't I say something?

"No, no. It's not like that."

"Oh, what's going on over there?" That was Vanessa's voice.

Looking over at her, Vanessa and David were both staring at the two of us.

Logan's voice was at ease as he explained, "We were joking around, right Maisie?"

Vanessa looked at me with a sly grin, and I shrugged happily. The waitress came back to get our orders, but I wasn't ready. Completely distracted from all the side talk, I saw that the prices in the menu weren't so friendly for the pocket. I gulped down, thinking of resorting to a bowl of soup. That was all I could afford.

"You know, you can order whatever you want. It's on us," someone whispered.

My eyes jumped to see where that was coming from. It was Logan.

Pops would always say to never let people pay because it puts shame to our family name. Sorry, Pops. I ended up ordering the chicken Italian pasta. Sounded very appetizing—and it was.

Once we got our entrees, we managed to squeeze some more talk while we ate. David and Logan were really nice. I could already hint that David had a thing for Vanessa. He was nervous, and it was like he'd always double check before saying something so he wouldn't appear stupid. I guess Vanessa could be right about him.

Before I knew it, our double date was over, and it was time to go. As we all stepped into the elevator, I sighed, calmly realizing that this date wasn't a complete disaster at all. Throughout the time, Vanessa was talking animatedly with David while Logan and I laughed at the sight. The limousine was already waiting for us in the front. I looked at Legends once last time since my next visit wouldn't be until a while—or ever.

Mr. Johnson had the door open already. Glancing over at David and Logan, I gave the two a grateful smile.

I said, "It was nice meeting you two. Thank you for the dinner. It was great."

David nodded and returned with a grin. "Nice meeting you too. I hope to see you around again."

Vanessa and David were bidding each other their farewells, and I gave Logan another smile before heading towards the limo.

"Maisie, wait."

Turning around, I raised my eyebrows. "What is it?"

Logan adjusted his suit and said, "Well... do you think we could see each other again?"

Instantly, there was a rush of blood I felt towards my head.

Don't blush!

It couldn't be helped though.

Flushed in the cheeks, I nodded, not trying to look overly excited. "Sure, just let me know when."

Logan was sweet, and I kind of wanted to know him more.

Delivery boy, who?

I noticed Logan was less tense now, and he smiled in response. Waving a final goodbye to the boys, I met back with Vanessa in the limousine. Shortly after, Mr. Johnson drove off, and Legends grew smaller from the distance.

Vanessa taunted as I buckled myself in, "Well, look what we have here. And you didn't want to go."

Laughing, I shook my head.

Even if that was the case, it looked like things were turning around for once.

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