Last day of Preperation!!

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I took it to him on the couch and still saw him there watchimg his favorite T.V show

"Hey, breakfast is here" I smiled and handed it out to him...hope it's not burned or something!!

He nodded and took it, taking a small bite he chewed with satisfaction..."this is good" he said not very clearly as he was chewing the bread...I chuckled and thanked him...

"Be lucky I woke up early, I could tell you were a heavy sleeper" I said as I played a bit with my hair cause I was already done eating...

"Yeah about that..." he said and looked at him as he came close...

He suddenly pinned me down to the couch, smirking

"H-Hey!" "I don't like being waken up from how 'bout a little punishment?"
He chuckled and went off of me and smiled "just kidding" "You better be!" I blushed and looked away

It was a moment of silence but it all ended when my phone rang

Kaito? It's Mailyn how are yah?

I'm fine...thanks for 'bout you?

I'm fine too...Takanashi is with you right?

Yeah Why?

(fake cough) Nothing spicy happened right?

Shut up! Nothing did...we just slept last night...that's all

You better just be sleeping...

Haha! Mailyn you cheered me up too much already, thanks

No problem! Anything for my best friend

Ok Maiyln, I gotta go now..see yah later...


I ended the call and stared back at Takanashi...

"Mailyn? How many years have you been friends?" He asked

"Hmmm...we started since...Grade 2 I think" I stated as I placed my hand in my chin

-Time check 9:00-

"I need to go to the store...I'm just gonna buy some coffee, need something?" I asked while I wore my black top...yes I got a lot of black shirts...I love black...
And brown shorts...

"No...I'm gonna leave once you come back, just to make sure no one enters the house" he said as he fixed the plates...I nodded in aproval and waved goodbye as I stepped out of the door...

It was just a 3-minute walk to the nearest store...I finally made it and made my way in...

As soon aa I entered I took a shoping cart and just went on to search for the things I need

To buy list:
Brown coffee
Dish soap

I scanned the paper and went to the nearest item stall that had what I needed...

"Ok bread...check" I took one as I whispered and preceded to the next item near to me...

"Brown coffee...check" I whispered and went to the next one...

It was about a minute of shopping until...

"GAH!" "AGH!" I yelped as I fell down at my was a bit painful...I looked at him and I couldn't utter a single word..."I'm sorry! I wasn't looking where I was goin are you-" I was cut off when I saw the face of the guy that bumped me...Tsubaki...for goodness sake why him!?

"Kaito" "Tsubaki" we both whispered our names at the same time...I looked down and took all the things that fell from the cart and didn't even look back at him...I just walked in a fast pace but he didn't follow...

Be my Boyfriend for a week (Boyxboy) [COMPLETED]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat