15. The Little Gets More, The Bad Gets Badder

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I received a courtesy call from the Your Highnesses of Geffen Records during my day off. It was just King Axl Rose yelling on the other line, "Where the fuck is Emilia when we need her?! Get her here now!"

I never like people with that attitude and I would've ditched them if it weren't for Saul and Duff who sounded terribly worried, besides my senses were tingling, telling me that something could be wrong.

Going to Hermosa where Steven currently lived, I tried to think over what he could have possibly done. We were together a few weeks ago as we planned to take Lennon and his new pug Misty for a walk. He was just fine, though I had to lent him some money because he lost his wallet or some jerk pick-pocketed him while we were stopping by the park to watch a children's skateboarding competition.

When I got to the 2-storey house, I knocked loudly on the door. Izzy opened it slightly and stuck his head out.

"Dude, where's Steven?"

"He's back inside." Izzy said and was about to close the door but I wedged it with my foot.

"What's wrong? Am I not welcome in this house anymore?" I asked humorously.

"No, it's not like that," Izzy shook his head. "We got him, Em. Everything's under contr---"

"MOTHERFUCKER!!!" Then came the sound of things breaking.

I glared at Izzy, pushing him to the side as I got in. "Sometimes, I just can't understand you boys. Y'all are much complicated to talk to.." I grumbled while swiftly walking through the hallway. Izzy jogged to keep up. I heard a child-like giggle coming from the living room.

"Dios mio!" I quickly hid behind Izzy. "Why is he like that?!"

"Yeah that's something you weren't supposed to see," he mumbled.

Steven was lying on the floor, naked liked a newborn. He was drooling and his eyes were wide open like he was looking at things on the ceiling.

"Come on! Let's cover him up with a blanket or something!"

Izzy ran and searched the rooms while I elevated Steven's upper body and softly slapped his face to see if his eyes could focus into mine. He blinked, but his sight remained upwards. Saul and Duff went downstairs.

"He still hasn't moved yet?" they asked together.

"He blinked." I said faintly. Izzy came back with a large blue towel and he wrapped it around Steven's waist. The boys carried him and lie him down on the couch. "You never told me what happened to him..."

"Steven had too much crack, Emilia." Saul said with a sullen expression. My chest tightened after hearing the culprit behind the incident.

"He never came to the studio and we all went here to check him." Duff added. "And we found him like this."

"Oh no... This is so bad..." My lips began to quiver. I could never bear seeing Steven or any of my loved ones in this condition. Saul put a hand on my shoulder, telling me that Steven would soon return to his old self. "Could you guys bring me a basin of cold water and a washcloth?"

Duff and Izzy went to get what I requested. Saul offered to get some clothes for Steven once he regains real consciousness. All he did was either giggle or stare at the huge blank space.

"Emilia..." My head turned to Axl's deep, anxious voice. "When do you think will his high subside?"

"I...I don't know...after a few hours maybe?" I looked at Steven and back at the redhead.

Young and Reckless (A Guns N' Roses Fan-fiction)Where stories live. Discover now