12. Somewhere Over the Rainbow

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"Make you look like a girl?" Mrs. Hudson shook her head. "That's crazy, Saul! What are you up to this time and why are you dragging Emilia into your nonsense?"

I chewed on my nails, trying to suppress my fit of giggles. "It's girls' night tonight, Mom! It's gonna be Emilia's first time in the Rainbow and I'm gonna take her there." Saul said smoothly.

"I suppose you can't go unless you're a girl, huh?" Mrs. Hudson smiled and Saul and I nodded. "I'll do my best then. Come over here, the two of you."

"Enjoy your evening, ladies." The bouncer winked at us as we showed him our "identification cards".

We had our heads rotating to every direction. The place was full of girls and only girls! I elbowed Saul in his rib. "This is stupid! How can Steven be here when this place is only for girls!"

"He can, because he's friends with Steady, silly! I bet he's behind one of those doors banging some chick," Saul said as we checked on the closed doors.

Our deal was to make our friend like us which meant we had to do a bit of seducing. Saul said Steven will drool on anyone with red lipstick and sexy legs so we had to make ourselves look like pretty, sexy girls. Whoever makes Steven crack first gets the money. Saul was a little drunk when he proposed that bet and I was feeling like a rebellious, daredevil youth at 17 so I agreed to do it.

We waited for the doors to open until we were told that those rooms were locked for the night. Saul was pissed-- his Mom's dress was starting to itch, and his curls were starting to stick out of his black beret.

"Dang, he must have left." I muttered after more than ten minutes of waiting. I stuck my palm out at Saul, "Nobody wins the bet but I want my talent fee now sir."

"Here you go my starlet," Saul said, fishing out three ten-dollar bills from his pocket and giving it to me.

"How come you look more womanly than me?" I sort of complained. Saul proudly smirked. He was dashing; beautiful, whether he's in a man or woman's clothes.

We left the club disappointed. What a real treat would it have been if Steven did really try to hit on us. Though our target wasn't around, I can still say we did a fine job with our costumes, especially Saul. Because of him, we received a lot of catcalls and wolf-whistles on our way home.

Those were the days-- the days where my two friends would take me to their bar-hopping adventures, each sneaking in a bottle of their favorite tipple. I would have a little taste of their drinks then I'd watch them get drunk. And it was no joke to deal with them in their drunken stupor.

Now I was there sitting on the bar stool of the same club, finishing my second bottle of Pepsi. Some of the regulars couldn't help but stare at me, I must look like a dewy-eyed little girl lost and stuck in this night life. I saw the bartender pouring the customer beside me a glass of bourbon.

"Excuse me," I said to the bartender who quickly whipped her head to my direction. "Can I have something not pure and hard but just enough to put me in a good mood?"

The bartender grabbed a bottle of this and that, I wasn't really paying attention until she talked to me. "Had a rough night?"

"Few days ago..it's stupid I can't get over it." I said, letting out a timid smile.

Young and Reckless (A Guns N' Roses Fan-fiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt