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READ THERE IS CHAPTER. It's the prologue.

EDITED - January 14, 2020
With her black cardigan, neatly tied tie, creased-free skirt, and long sleeves fixated perfectly, everything was set. A new school year, new faces and new experience. A certain pink-haired girl scoffed, finding it hilarious how she can have such a positive and horrible thought. There was no way school can be considered as an adventure, it was hell.

If only vacation could last forever. Her rosy lips flashed into a warm smile as she recalled all of the memories she had on the said period of time. Her time with her with family and friends was all going perfect. She rode the banana boat, she went on a camp and tried so many exciting things. Her summer was going perfect.

That is until a humiliating occurrence had happened. In the middle of summer, she bumped into an unknown teal haired girl who just abused her sexually. Well, it wasn't really like that, but still. In all honesty, Luka found the girl to be a little adorable with her teal haired tied into two pigtails and her emerald eyes darting a Luka in such a naive way. Unfortunately, the words that came out of her lips kicked all the positive things away. Not to mention what she did to Luka.

The pink-haired lady entered her classroom. In the process, her eyes wander every part of the surrounding as she take her time in examining it. A deep sigh escaped her lips while she headed to her assign seat next to the window. There was nothing new in the classroom. She was still going to be attending the classes with the same students from last year and at the moment, all that was left was for her group of friends to come.

"Luka!" Her gaze instantly directed themselves to the source of the voice and she was somehow glad to see her blonde friend running towards her. The mentioned friend has been friends with her for a year. She was shorted than Luka and had a long puffy platinum blonde hair. Her eyes were shaded with a soft color of crystal blue. Luka's lip was about to part for a proper reply but it looked like her friend had another plan in mind. Luka was unanticipatedly caught in a bone-crushing hug.

She was not the touchy-feely type of person but returned the gesture to at least show that she was grateful for her platinum-haired friend's presence being with her in the same class. "It's good to see you too, SeeU" Said girl let go of her and beamed so brightly it felt like Luka was seeing the dim of light from above. "Where are the others?"

SeeU blinked rapidly before an nervous chuckle was freed from her lips. Scratching her cheek with her index finger, she stated. "Well, Lily will be absent. Gumi woke up late. Kaito and Mayu transferred to another school but I think you already know that."

A bemused smiled formed on Luka's lips, unimpressed of her friend's determination for the first day of school. "That Lily, absent especially on the first day of school. What is she thinking?" SeeU shrugged. Luka slid her eyes shut second as she inquired another question. "Where did they transferred?"

Luckily, SeeU's seat was just beside hers which means that Luka wouldn't feel as lonely as she was every time she was seated next to someone she was completely uninterested in. SeeU sat down and arranged her things on her desk before she answered back with her usual cheery tone. "I'm not sure, I think its Crypton Academy"

When Neru and Kaito had told them they were rich, she had never expected it to be this rich. The rest of the time, SeeU began babbling about the things she had done on the remaining days of her vacation after not being able to hang out with Luka. All the while, the pinkette just nodded and sometimes giggle, finding some things to be quite funny. As SeeU was talking about her vacation at her grandmother's crib, she was cut off when both of their attentions were drawn to a noise from someone who just exclaimed both of their names. Unlike a bone-crushing hug, what they both receive was more painful. Gumi saunters up to them quickly and gave them both a pat on the back, hard. Their back arched forward at how forcefully it was hit. Luka glared at the greenette and the blonde whined in pained. "What's up?"

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