Chapter 13

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The teens were off before dawn. By the time the sun was rising they were out of the woods and walking along a frozen stream. It had snowed that night. dazzling, clean, white snow. However, there was nothing pretty about it to the five trudging through. Every step left behind its mark.

Shivering, cold, hungry and tired, no energy was wasted on words. The group walked in single file with Mav leading the way.

Shai took up the rear, his gloveless hands were stuffed in his pockets to try and keep them warm. His gaiter was pulled over his nose, protecting most of his face from the biting cold. Before him, Asumi stumbled, a scarf covering half of her face. Her head, however, was left to the mercy of the weather. Shai watched her cover her reddening ears with her hands as a particularly cold gust of wind whistled past.

Reaching for his beanie, Shai slipped it off. Cold instantly nipped at his ears. Increasing his pace he came up behind Asumi. The hat was slipped on her head in moments. The girl turned briefly, mouth opening as though to protest, but Shai hurried past her, taking up the spot in front.

"You don't have another to spare, do you?" Roanna's teeth chattered as she appeared beside him.

Shai shot her a glace. "Only one. Sorry."

"Hmm..." Roanna picked up the pace until she was behind Lake. "Yo. Anything you can spare for a cold girl?"

Ignoring her, Lake increased his pace.

"Wow, what a gentlemen." Roanna huffed before lapsing back into silence.

They continued for a good while, the cold steadily sapping their energy. However, the knowledge that they were most likely being pursued kept them moving. They came across several wandering infected. Those that saw them and made a move to attack were shot, those that didn't register their presence were left along due to the low supply of ammo.

It was Lake that dropped first. One moment he was walking and the next moment he simple collapsed.

"Hey!" Being right behind him, Roanna was the first there. She fell to a knee. "You okay?"

Lake didn't reply, his breathing heavy.

Reaching the pair, Asumi and Shai stopped. Shai dropped the gun he carried, relieved by the sudden burden that was lifted. Asumi leaned over, catching her breath.

Realizing Mav was still lumbering along, Roanna turned. "Mav!"

The leader stopped. He hesitated a moment before backtracking.

Shai joined Roanna in kneeling by Lake. "You okay?"

With chattering teeth and blue lips, Lake shook his head. "I'm s-so c-cold."

"Tell us something we don't know," Roanna grumbled. She got to her feet. "I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure that stopping and lying down in the cold leads to never getting up." She eyed the boy. "You close your eyes now and they'll never open again. Got it?"

Asumi pushed her to the side. She ignored the glare she got as a result.

"Just a little longer," she urged.

Lake shook his head.

"Well, I'm not carrying him." With that, Roanna turned and walked a couple of paces away.

Shai and Asumi exchanged a glance.

"J-just leave me," Lake spoke through blue lips. His lashes, like the others, were frozen on the ends.

Shai shook his head. "Can't do that."

Asumi nodded. "No one else is being left behind if I can help it." She grabbed Fabian's arm and slung it over a shoulder.

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