Chapter 5

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Despite seeing that the infected Yuji was almost upon Roanna, Shai's finger didn't pull the trigger.

This scenario was too familiar. His mind transformed the infected below to a larger and more familiar one and Roanna became a younger looking version of himself. He saw himself turn inches before the infected arrived, let out a startled yelp and took a step back only to trip over his own feet. He watched himself crash to the ground with only enough time to raise the gun and bar the figure from clamping his mouth over his neck.

"Wait!" It was Asumi's cry that cleared the image.

Shai blinked as he saw Roanna on the ground below, gun raised as she defended herself against the attacker. Fabian's own weapon was lifted but he seemed unsure of taking the shot, not wanting to hit the wrong one. Asumi was hurrying over, eyes staring from a pale face at the attacker. Her mouth moved, and Shai read the name she said – Yuji.

"Shai!" Fabian yelled as his gun was lifted. His position didn't give him a clear shot.

Roanna fought to keep the infected from her throat. "Take the shot!" The scream was directed at Shai.

"No!" Asumi was walking to the infected. "No!" The walk turned into a run.

Shai's finger was on the trigger and yet it didn't move. He was frozen. He couldn't do it. He couldn't take the shot.


The attack ceased. Yuji's corpse jerked. A round hole protruded from his forehead.

A devastating scream came from Asumi as she ran to the small, falling body. She caught it, seeming to lose all fear of the fact that the person she held was infected.

Shai's eyes darted to Fabian. It wasn't him... His gaze returned to the corpse as realization hit him. The shot came from his direction.

His scope took in Asumi as she turned her head in his direction. Her grief-filled eyes stared accusingly and he instantly knew what she was thinking. Shai lifted his head as his mind raced. He looked behind only to be greeted by darkness.

Several growls snapped his attention back to the view below. His eyes returned to the scope and he pivoted it in the direction of the sound. He froze as he saw it. Infected were approaching, but not a mere individual aimlessly ambling - they were coming as a hoard.

Then, through the scope he saw a blur.

"Fabian!" he yelled as his hand moved into his backpack. It clasped a grenade.

Fabian turned to look toward him.

Shai was on his feet. "Hoard!"

Roanna's reaction was instant. She was up and sprinted for the nearest house. Fabian grabbed Asumi, dragging the girl from the lifeless body of her brother. Another blur.

"Please." Shai pulled the pin. He threw the grenade in the direction of the appraoching dead.

Roanna was in the house, door open as she waved at the others. Fabian dragged a stumbling Asumi. Relief filled Shai as he watched them disappear within and the door close.

Shai dropped to the roof and the grenade exploded. Heart pounding, the boy's mind raced. With the infectors here, not even the roof was safe.

Find a room, lock the door. Lay low. The plan flashed through his mind.

He pulled another grenade out. He removed the pin and threw the grenade toward the hoard, hoping it would be enough of a distraction to keep all blurs away from him. Backpack and rifle were slung on his back. He skidded down the edge of the roof at a dangerous speed, knowing there would be an explosion any minute.

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