Final travel

775 19 4

Josh:girls I just texted Farkle and he said today is the last one the last travel  cause  he's going to give it to NASA for something he could  be famous for this invitation

Maya:we better run to his house quick

*they run to Farkles and start up the machine and all think of the same time and people they teleport to the future*

Maya: look that must be me

Future maya: babeee come one Rileys waiting  for us

Future josh:(walks up to my wife and kisses her)I'm here

Future riley:Lucas is getting tired of waiting

Maya:Hey you three!

*the three walk to the teenage them*

Future maya: Hey there me look we got the man of our dreams we played the long game keep fighting for this spot me

Maya:I will (smiles)

Future josh:Hey Josh we are still cool don't let Maya go she makes you so happy believe  me we have been married for 20 years and we are still happy

Josh:I promise  I'll keep her in sight

Future riley:we keep hope and make these two go crazy  (laughs) and we are married  to Lucas we are pretty happy

Riley:my life is great

Maya/josh:what about Farkle

Future maya:He's a father of 1 and is still our bestfriend  he's rich from the time machine  which is great

Future josh: you guys better head back

Josh:I'll keep them safe

Future maya;I will hurt you if you don't (laughs)

Josh:(presses the button and me Maya and Riley teleport back to Farkles  room) just on time

Maya: I'm going home bae (I run home and get to sleep I was tired and I'm happy knowing I have a future with josh)

Josh/riley:(walk home and get to bed time travel was tiring they went to bed and dreamed about everything)

They lived life and kept their promises and lived happy

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