Thought So

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Hey guys! So i just updated a new title photo of you and i :D i may not update for September 30-October 3? but I'll update soon before that happens

Evans POV
Me and Jon put our bags in our room and went downstairs to join the gang they were all playing video games "really guys? You still brought your games" i groaned "so what evy lets join" Jon grabbed a controller i went into the fridge oohhh Popsicle its probably not Jon's hmm how about blue raspberry i took a blue one and headed to the living room and sat down "ohh Jon get that bicycle" i shouted haha there's a mugger sent by Tyler great! When Jon went to the bicycle Tyler's mugger mugged him and got on the bicycle "hey hey hey!! Nooo" i giggled everyone did "fuck you-wait Tyler! You motherfucker!" He screamed i finished my Popsicle and left the wooden stick with the lamp table "Jon let me play" he tossed me the controller "bitches im coming to get you"
"Hey guys you wanna do a Popsicle challenge its how many Popsicles you can eat in minutes" Jon said excitedly oohhh shit he looked in the fridge and screamed "wheres the other popsicle" i tensed he started looking around "aha! Popsicle stick!" "Everyone played right" Jon asked we all nodded "so whoever ate the Popsicle has sticky fingers on the controllers" im doomed he touched all the controllers until he got to mine and looked up at me "evaaan" Jon whined "im sorry! I didnt know that it was yours! Plus why the fuck would you bring your Popsicles here" i groaned he chuckled "well then who wants Popsicles" everyone took one except for me "evy take one" i shook my head "i feel too guilty too much guilt" i whined he smirked and sat beside me "here have a lick babe" i took it and licked Jon licked the bottom "stop that and get your own Popsicle evan! Thats just weird!" Brian groaned i smirked "just admit that you got turned on" everyone raised their hand up i laughed "wow guys alright gimme that strawberry" i took the Popsicle and moaned in pleasure "STOP I'm getting a boner" Craig yelled i chuckled "alright i will.... Later" everyone groaned "for fucks sake evan" David groaned i giggled "shut up David" i laughed "hey guys lets go to the water park!" Lui screamed i stood up "please please please can we go" i pleaded Jon sighed "well i cant ignore you.. Alright lets go" i ran upstairs to get my swim stuff on and went down in 5 minutes woah, im fast "hm no one heres yet" i sat down then heard footsteps come down everyone ran to the car. I followed and got in the back seat with Jon.
We arrived at the water park and i left the car quickly and ran to the pool, lui jumped on my back and we both splashed in." Lui lets go ride that motorcycle he nodded and we swam to a foam motorcycle in the water me on the front and lui on the back "ok lui you ready?" He nodded and we started paddling with our feet it kinda works "alright lui lets go to that dolphin" we swam to the dolphin but someone rode on it. "Tyler! Nooo" i whined "ya'll look bitch im riding a dolphin" he yelled me and lui smirked and pushed the dolphin making it fall over "you bitches" he chased us but caught me "Tyler Tyler no no no no no no no no no no no" i tried to wiggle out of his grip but it was useless.
Luke POV
While Tyler lui and evan swim the others just relaxed, i looked to my side Jon was talking to a girl "hey what's going on" i asked Jon turned around "uh oh nothing" he mumbled i nodded and walked away i have a fuckin bad feeling about this i walked back to them "hey who was that" Marcel asked i shrugged Jon walked back "Jon who was that?" He looked up "uh, oh Asley? Uh just a girl i met" i nodded lui Tyler and evan came back "so how was the swim" i asked "fuckin great dude we went on the water slide and lui made a huge splash" "evan went flying" lui added evan went to hug Jon but he turned away what? What the fuck? Evan sighed and took a towel "alright, uh food" Craig asked i guess everyone noticed "sure" Jon walked to the food not even asking his 'bae'
Time skeep
Evans POV
We arrived back to the cabin. "Gmod?" I asked everyone nodded Jon was on his phone smiling "Babe you on for Gmod" i asked "babe?" He said disgustedly "uh yeah... Were together right?" I asked "yeah yeah! Sorry, i gotta go somewhere" he ran out the door "Jon, are we not babes" i asked the guys they looked shocked "uh i dont know what's going on with him but whatever" i shrugged and we played gmod.
Time skeeeeeup (im sorry)
Luke's POV
11:59pm why isn't Jon back yet? Everyone was already asleep i told evan that i would look out for Jon i was getting sleepy and recorded my phone an fell asleep. 10:43 am i woke up and looked at everyone who was eating no Jon? Wtf i widened my eyes and looked at my phone "guys! I may know if Jon came back i recorded!" I shouted they all swarmed i pressed play... Nothing came until 4:42am Jon came in then took something "why would Jon take a big building block with the letter s?" Evan asked no..this cant.. Jon will never do that.. Jon will never use this with anyone else... I paused the video everyone whined "no there's probably nothing else in there" i whispered they all went back to eat breakfast i texted Jon.
Luke: you come back here RIGHT NOW we need to talk...
I waited a few minutes they cant be still doing that
Jonathan: alright... ;)
Why would he be in a good mood that fucking bitch did this! Few minutes later i hear keys rattling then the door opened showing Jonathan his hair messed up you fucking whore bitch ass! Evan ran up to Jon and hugged him "Jon where you been!" Evan whined Jon chuckled Jon i know thats fake whore! "Uh well i did something..." He rolled his eyes evan looked sad "uh.. Can you tell me what that is?" He asked Jon pushed him away "uh no" Jon said roughly i widened my eyes no... I cant be right.. I thought NO! Everyone mumbled curiously evan stood there shocked i walked up to evan "hey you alright?" I asked he started tearing up i hugged him ive never seen evan like this... Does he think too? "I-im going for a walk" he left my chest that was full of tears no... Evan im sorry i looked towards the guys who were frowning i motioned the guys to go to the back "I've never seen evan so terrified" Tyler started i sighed "is something going on" Marcel asked i cant tell them yet, no i need evidence and his response i shook my head "i dont know I've never seen Jon so distant" i whispered "huh, nothing happened with them right?"Craig stated i nodded "but why? They're so happy nothing happened" David said i cant tell, but im so guilty that fucker is going to pay if that is real ill murder you i snapped out of my thoughts when Jon came from inside "hey, what you guys doing there?" He asked i looked at everyone "nothing nothing" i spoke up he nodded "well im heading out Luke we can talk later" he winked i sighed we all headed back in but Jon was wearing a leather jacket, blue shirt, black jeans and blue nikes "Jon where you going that you had to dress so fancy" i retorted he smirked "just something beautiful" i clicked my tongue he walked out the door but met with evan, evan mumbled something then Jonathan said something that made evan go wide eye Jon i cant let you do this evan walked back in and headed straight upstairs i followed evan he was crying his eyes out i locked the door and crawled in Evans bed "hey what's wrong" i asked he sniffled "i dont know Jon's just so distant lately i asked him where hes going and he said none of your business... But how can i not" evan broke down i hugged him i.. Cant control myself "evan, me and Marcel broke up a few weeks ago he found someone else" he shot up with his bloodshot eyes i kissed him he kissed me back
3rd POV
Luke pinned him down they both knew it was wrong but at the same time they thought who cares! Evan took out his shirt and Luke's. Luke kissed evan they fought for dominance but evan lost they pulled apart and Luke then went to find his sweet spot in Evans neck a few seconds later luke already found his sweet spot evan moaned loudly Luke smirked and made a trail down to Evans abs, Luke traced his abs with his fingers evan moaned "l-Luke i n-need y-you" Luke nodded he took out Evans shorts and boxers and evan did his. Luke started to stroke Evans member "mmh~ s-stop t-teasing me" Luke chuckled he fingered evan then put a condom on his member, Luke licked his fingers and put his member in, evan moaned Luke thrusted evan was a moaning mess "m-more f-faster" evan moaned Luke did as evan say evan moaned Luke's name Luke shushed him "we might get found out" evan chuckled "who the fuck cares Jonathan doesnt even care and Marcel broke up with you.. So its just us two" they both giggled Luke took out his member and laid down beside evan "you know, i kinda dont regret this" Luke chuckled they both fell asleep.
That made me die inside! X_X
Morning 12:25pm
Evans POV
I woke up in Luke's arms i smiled Jon you bitch i woke up Luke with a kiss he smiled and we both got up and put our clothes on "ready?" I asked he nodded and he put his arm on the side of my ass we headed downstairs. "Yesterday was fun" "yeah dont get cocky" "what get cocky" i looked in front of me to see everyone looking at us "n-nothing" Luke stuttered "you know if you guys like eachother its fine! Jon's a fucking asshole!" Tyler shouted "whos a fucking asshole?" I turned around to see Jon "nothing" lui mumbled Luke pulled me closer, Jon looked at Luke's arm then Luke. Luke smirked "uh what the hell are you doing" Jon growled i looked at Luke he smiled "oh nothing" i giggled Jon glared at me i closed my mouth Jon pulled me close to him "hes mine, I've already told you this" Luke looked at me and smiled "he wont be for long you know why" Jon looked shock "how" Luke cut him off "lets have a talk Jon" they both went outside "what the hell is happening" i asked they all shrugged "they're very close but if they fight over something they get competitive" Craig laughs "and that is" i ask being oblivious "you duh you pesty princess" Tyler smirked i blushed hard "im not a pest and a princess" i stuck my tongue out.
Luke's POV
I dragged Jon outside "hey what the fuck was that all about" he shrieked "what? I cant take his booty" i smiled he tsked "hey i know that Marcel broke up with you but dont take evan" he yelled i smirked "so dont go having sex with other girls" he looked terrified "thought so" i grinned and walked back inside.
Thought so


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