T h r e e

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The next day...

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"Bye Mommy!" I called as I shut the door gently and locked it with my key. I then trotted down the hallway and skipped out the rusty doors, waving to the woman outside who was taking out the garbage. She cast me a worried glance, then a weak smile - as usual.

Same wave, same glance, same smile.

I shrugged to myself. Whatever. It doesn't matter. They don't know I can take care of myself. I don't need Mommy to look after me.

I felt a twitch forming in my right eye and I tugged on my necklace, fighting to keep it under control. I was still ten - most ghouls could control their eyes by then, but then again, there was nobody to teach me.

Engrossed in my own thoughts, I had made it to the bus stop before even realizing. It was abandoned - as usual. Nothing really changed around here.

I had only waited for about five minutes before a figure clad in a black coat came out of the shadows of an alley.

"Daddy!" I exclaimed, leaping up.

"For the last time, I am not your daddy," grumbled the man. "Nor will I be your daddy," he added, seeing me open my mouth. I closed it.

I looked at him with big eyes. "Fine then. I'll just call you Yomo," I replied, grabbing his hand.

He tried to pull away. "That's Yomo-san to you."

"Okay Yomo," I giggled. He sighed and finally managed to pull his hand away, sitting down on the faded bench. I plopped down next to him.

"Do you want to see my new charm?" I asked, tugging my necklace out from inside my jacket.

He didn't answer.

I pulled it out anyway. "Look!" I said. Do you like it?"

Yomo grumbled and looked over. I dangled my little blue glass pearl in front of his face. "Mm-hmm," he mumbled.

"Isn't it!?" I babbled on. "I got it a few days ago, I just forgot to show it to you last time."

I suddenly stopped talking, turning to face him. "Will you be my daddy for today?" I asked him. "I need to go into town and there's nobody to go with except you."

"Normally people don't ask other people to be their 'daddy' for a day. It's weird," he said blandly.

"But will you?" I pestered.

"No," he replied.

I looked at him with a sad expression. He groaned. "But, I guess if you really want to, you can tag along just until I get to Anteiku."

I clapped my hands. "Yay!" I exclaimed and reached for his hand again. He pulled away with a sideways glance.

"As long as you don't touch me."

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