La Vista

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I'm going to cut the Jackie character from the story so she doesn't exist anymore. She gone.

*The song at the top goes good with the story so you should listen to it.*

Still stevonnie.

I get off the flight and get a rental car. When I am driving I get a text from Connie's grandma with the address of Connie's parent's house.  It takes about 20 minutes to get there and once I get there it is a medium sized ranch style house. The garage door is open so I walk up to the front door and unfuse.

Connie's point of view.

I look at Steven then look at the door, exhale and ring the doorbell. The door opens and it's my dad. "Connie!" He yelled out and picked me up and hugged me. I laughed then he sets me down and says smiling, "happy birthday." He then looks over at Steven and says, "you gotten bigger since the last time I've saw you. You look good." Steven blushes and rubs the back of his neck laughing. "Come in, come in." He says moving off to the side leaving the doorway open. We walk into a living room that is very modern. "You two could walk around while I finish making dinner. Your mother will be home in about 10 minutes Connie." He went to the kitchen and we started walking around. I looked out the window and noticed a in ground pool. "You have a pool!" I exclaimed. "Yea we do, it came with the house." My dad responded.  "Dang. I wish I brought my swimsuit." Steven said looking out the window. Just then the garage door opened. "Steven! Let's go hide so we could surprise my mom!" I said. "Ok." We went behind the couch in the living room and when she opened the door we jumped out and yelled "Surprise!" "Connie!" She yelled and game me a hug, she gave Steven one too. "I didn't know you would be here! I missed you so much." She said hugging me again. "I've missed you too." "Dinners ready!" My dad said from the kitchen.

Time skip to eating dinner.

"So, how did you two fly here from beach city?" My mom asks. Steven and I both froze. I look at him and get up. He gets up too and we do our fusion dance and fuse into stevonnie.

Stevonnie's point of view

I look over to see Connie parents with their jaws dropped. "What the heck is that!" Mrs. Maheswaran exclaims and gets up. She walks over to us and says. "Connie, is this the kind of magic stuff you have been doing with Steven." "Well yes, but it doesn't harm anyone and it's how we got here." I respond. Mr Maheswaran gets up and asks, "what even is this?" "It's Stevonnie." He then puts both of his hands on my shoulders, looks up at me and says, "you two look great together." I blush then mrs Maheswaran yells," Your OK with this?!" "Of course honey why not?" He replies. "Something could happen to our Connie." She gasps and puts he hand over her mouth and says, "could she get pregnant?" I quickly say, "No no no no it doesn't work that way! Here I'll unfuse so you don't have to worry."

Connie's point of view

"I-I'm sorry I made you worry." I said to my mom looking at the floor. "Honey, it's ok. Hey why don't you and Steven go swimming." "But we didn't bring our bathing suits." "I still have one of yours and we have a extra for Steven." "Oh cool." I smiled and got changed. When I came out of the bathroom wearing the blue with white stripes bikini Steven looked at me with big eyes and his jaw dropped. "Nice Pokemon swim trunks." I say sarcastically. "Uh w-what... Oh yea." He says blushing. "Well do you like it." I ask looking down. "Connie. You are beautiful." I blush and he walks up to me and kisses me. We then go outside and get in the pool. After 30 minutes of racing and playing games Steven got on an inflatable raft and motioned me to get on with him. I pulled myself on and later with my chest facing him. We kiss and I turn around so I'm lying half on him. He plays with my hair while my head is on his chest. And we eventually fall asleep.

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