Chapter 1

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So, you guys seemed to really love "fell for the enemy" so here, im writing the second book. Hope you guys enjoy it!


also, im randomly listening to "T.H.E. (the hardest ever)" by Will.I.Am while writing this XD idek.. its a good song lol.

haha, i was listening to the song and the lyrics "imma go hard like a mother fuckin boner" played and i choked on the soda i was drinking. XD XD XD

Let just get on with the stor shall we? hehe... yeah... lol

**Please Note, this is book two, go read book one first or you wont understand whats going on!**


(link's POV)

It had been almost a year since the last time this happened. You are probably wondering whats going on. Remeber all that shit going on before? God im an idiot. I sit here on my bed, holding my arms in my hands. Taking deep breaths, i swore not to let the tears fall. just a hlaf hour ago, ben left, pissed off and angry at me. He's changed, gone back to his old self you know? The one where he hates my guts.... I cant let it get to me again. No matter how much i love him. There was a tapping at my door. "Link?" "Yeah?" "can i come in?" "sure" i sighed, leaning back against the headboard. Zelda came in the room and sat next to me on the bed. "sorry to hear what happened..." she apologized, meakly. "its fine... i should have seen this coming...." "You deserve better link" she said, puting a hand on mine and then getting up. "Its all gonna be okay link..." she left the room. Images replayed in my mind as lay here thinking about him. From our first, accidental kiss, to now. God, my heart hurts so bad. After it had just finished healing too... I'd be damned if i knew were ben was right now. he just left in a fit of rage, not uttering a single other word. i dont know what got him so mad but he wont answer his phone when i call or text him. My phone screen lit up on the nightstand and vibrated. I glanced over at it and picked it up. Examining the caller ID, my eyes widened and i quickly unlocked the screen. Pressing it to my ear, his sweet yet dangerous voice filled my ears. "Link..." it said. "yes ben?" i said, biting my nails, a new habt i had gotten into. "I.. I cant see you anymore..." my eyes widened. "why?" "i just.... cant" I rolled my eyes. "you havent changed at all ben" "excuse me?" "you know what i mean" "what the hel are you talking about?" "your doing it again ben, breaking my heart, im sick of it" i pulled the phone away from my ear and hit end. I turned off my phone in casehe tried to call back. Sighing, i leaned back again, a single tear rlled down my cheek and i quickly wiped it away. "No" i scolded myself. "stop crying over him" I swung my feet off the bed and stood up. I slid my boots on and walked downstairs. Navi was flufffing her wings on the coffee table. "hey" i said, she jumped "link! you scared me!" "sorry" "its okay, whats up?" "nothing much, just wanted to say hi" "ok" she went back to fluffing her wings. "you okay?" i asked her. "yeah, my wings are kinda sore, i was flying too much" "oh, okay, rest them, it'll help" she fluffyed her wings one last time and then let them droop slightly. i smiled at her and walked to the kitchen. I leaned over the sink and thought about stuff. Sighing, i pulled myself up and walked to the backyard. Deja Vu Much? Pretty much...

(Ben's POV)

What is wrong with me?! I banged my head on the wall. Im so confused right now. I saw Felix again for the first time a few days ago and something he did is making me want him. but i want link. I dont know whats going on and im so. fucking. confused. Its been a year.... you know... since... uh.. the incedent... i still regret everything and here i am, acting exactly how i swore id never act again. I walked outside of the house and leaned against the railing on the front porch, smoking a ciggarette. Felix wrapped his arms around my waist. i ingnored it and continued to smoke my ciggarette. i was lost in thought. "ben?" "hm?" i asked, not looking at him. he ran is hands up and down my sides sending chills down my spine and making my little buddy jump slightly in my pants. "im glad we're together again" I could tell he was smiling. I half smiled. "same... i guess" "dont worry benny, i wont hurt you" I took one last long drag from the ciggarete and puffed the hot smoke into the warm, spring air. i put it out and turned to face Felix. His green eyes brurned holes into my soul and i had to look away. He smiled before tilting my head up and kissing me lightly. It felt so forign. This was my first kiss with him in a little over a year. "i missed those lips of yours ben" he smirked, pulling away. My ears went back and i blushed slightly. he stroked my face and then down my neck and chest. My little buddy jumped again. this was really turning me on. he traced circles on my chest and i pushed his hand away. "please stop" i said blushing. I silently prayed he didnt see the small tent frming in the lower region. He cocked his head to the side. "whats wrong?" i blsued a bit darker. "i.... i.. um..." fuuucckkk. I pushed away from him and ran to my room. Locking the door. i sta on my bed. I silently prayed for the damn hardon to go away and when it didnt, i sighed loudly. "ffuuuuuuucccckkkkk!" i groaned. "everything okay ben?" "yeah..." i walked out the door and into the bathroom. "im taking a shower" oh god this was a first, more specifically for me. I hate showers. not that i enjoy being a peice of filth but i am petrified of water. it was either i take a shower or jerk myself off in the room... i... dont exactly anna do that. I locked the door and turned on the water. Stripping out of my clothes, i took a deep breath. As i stepped into the hot water, it was alot less alarming then i would have expected. I didnt have an instant panic attack like i would anyother time im near water. the hot water actually felt nice. I was suddenly reminded why i took this shower in the first place. fixing my little "problem" i restsed the urge to moan in intense pleasure. I decided to actually get clean while i was here. I swear to god, not to be gross or anything but it was like i was taking layers off my skin off pure flilth. I washed my hair and the bubbles were actually brown. ew? I finished my shower and stepped out. I dried off and wrapped the towel around my waist. I decided to actually brush my teeth for once. I do every now and then but i occasionally get lazy. The ciggarrettes mixed with my laziness equaled slightly yellow teeth... okay... more like pretty fucking yellow teeth... how do i live wth this? I took out my toothbrush and scrubbed at my teeth hard. my gums bled but i could give less of a fuck. When i was happy, i rinsed my mouth and got dressed. my hair was dry by this point. I took a moment to examine myself. I was shocked by the result. My skin is a nice creme color that made my ocean blue eye pop. my hair is a brigt blonde with lighter, bleach blonde streaks. I looked actually pretty good. I decided to use that bleach toothpaste or whatever on my teeth. It tasted like shit but it made my teeth shine. wow... i looked normal... I walked to my room and changed into a clean tunic and tights. adding my hat, i looked in the full body mirror in my room. "holy shit" i thought out loud. I looked like a whole different person. I turned around and walked out to the living room. Felix, His dad and MS's jaws all dropped. "Ben?!" "yes?" "holy shit you look so diferent!" Felix exclaimed. "thanks?" this was awkwardish....


What do you think? And you are welcome for writing a second book! I loved writing it so much, i had to write another! ^-^


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