Do you need me to lend you some pads?

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~~~~Jupiter Fair~~~~
After the accident this morning I went on with my day, watching the clock getting ready to sprint to the locker rooms to change into my track shoes. After the bell rings I see everybody run into the locker rooms, "hey Jupy." I turn around like a flash of lightning when I hear his voice, "What the h£)) do you want!" I slam my locker shut and pretend my clothes bag isn't stuck in it as I lean against the locker. "You have no idea how sorry I am about earlier." I give him the stink eye as I pull my bag free, "Its not the first time you are saying sorry without actually meaning it. Like in middle school, and whenever you feel like it could ruin your reputation. Oh by the way have fun with Brittany tonight, she was going on about how you texted her earlier. " He doesn't say anything and his face turns into one if disgust. "Listen I just came here to ask for a favor, and forgiveness for what I did earlier." I don't look back at him as I start to jog to the exit going out to the busses, its an away game. "I need you to help me pass gym!" I stop and turn to look at him in disbelief. "Oh yeah right, do you need me to lend you some pads to? Because that is the stupidest lie I've ever heard." I turn and walk out towards the bus full of guys and girls all wearing our schools colors. "Wait!" He matches onto my arm, "Promise me you will help! I won't graduate if you don't! And I know you can never break a promise!" He does his old puppy dog eyes from when we were little. "I know I can't but apparently you can! But since it goes against my laws, I have to accept." I turn and jog to the bus, "Thanks Jupy! " he smiles and walks the other way, "what was that about?" Abby asks coming up next to me, of course with Josh in tow. He never leaves her side, he's like a lost puppy. "Lost puppy? That's what you think of me?" Oh sh** I must have said that out loud, I look over and see Abby giggling. "What!? Pshh where did you hear that from!" I roll my eyes and act innocent taking my seat facing away from him.
*after track meet*
"Here I am!
On the road again!"
We all sing on the way back, "oh wait! Josh! You owe me! I win the bet you little f***er!" He pouts and hands me the pack of gum, "I am the champion! Of the world! I am the gum queen! The master of all wrappers! The ONE! the only one! Who can truly! Stump the Trump!" I yell waving the pack of gum in his face. "Looks like I win!" He ignores me as I do my victory dance, "You suck! I rock!" I feel the bus stop and I jolt out of my seat, " I got the magic in me! Every time I touch that track it turns into gold!" I stop mid song as I see him standing there, "What are you doing here?" He smiles at me and runs into my chest hugging me, "I thought you had a new foster family!" He looks up at me shaking his head from side to side, "They sent me back." I hold him tighter, "I can try to get mom and dad to take you back." I feel him tense up remembering the glass shattering and his arms being cut up. "I think I should wait a little longer." I nod in understanding or sympathy, I'm not sure just yet. "I'm gonna be here until they send me away again." I release him from my hold and grab his little hand which makes mine feel huge, "By the way, happy 10th birthday." I smile pulling my little brother once removed into my side. "Awe thanks, but don't you think its a month to late?" I smile and push his head away, "You've obviously gotten smarter." He laughs a little but stops in his tracks and stares of into the shadows, "What is it?" I follow his gaze to a shadowy figure. He starts running towards it, what the legit h£(( is he doing! "Ty Dye!" I nearly faint when I realize its Tyler, that b**** is lucky I didn't drop kick his a$$ all the way to China! "Jay?" He sounds surprised and looks around until his eyes land on me, I see him mouth the words 'I thought he was gone?' I walk closer and stop three feet away "I thought so to." Jay looks up at me with a smirk, "So are you to a couple now? You know secretly meeting in the dark after track meets?" I give a very surprised look towards Tyler to see he is smirking. "Well, actually Jay. We aren't even friends anymore." Jay stops smiling and I don't even look at Tyler, I mean I can feel his eyes boring into me right now. "Anyway come on Jay, let's get you home." I grab his hand and start walking away.
Hey guys sorry, I kind of forgot about this story😭
But anyway as I was writing this the girl who asked me to write this isn't answering her phone! So I made up something else other than what I originally wanted to do.😂 life sucks😂
Love you boos!😘
Do whatever you want with this story!😎

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