Empty Promises

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~~~~Jupiter Fair~~~~
It was in middle school, 8th grade to be exact. When we made a deal a promise even, I haven't had the dreams in a while. Its been 3 years. But tonight is different, I don't know why but the dream is coming back. Its not one of those dreams about what you wish could happen, and its not a nightmare. I don't know how to describe it, its like memories you know?
"You know we are the only ones right?" He smiles at me, we are lying on his bed watching YouTube videos by Smosh, "I know! I just don't understand why everybody else is. There really isn't anything special about it,parent do it all the time." I stare at him as he plays with my hair, twirling it around his finger. "Come on! Summers almost over, you don't want people to think we aren't cool do you?" I start to fidget with my hands remembering the bully's. "You're right. I guess we really have to." He pushes my hair out of my face, "I don't want to force you to do something you don't want to do." I look him in the eyes before faking a smile. "Tyler just promise me it won't change us." His eyes meet mine and our gazes are locked. "Nothing could ever ruin our friendship I promise." We both lean in and our lips meet, locking just as our gazes had before.
*Beep Beep Beep*
"F****." I slam my hand against my alarm clock shutting it off, "F*** my life." I get up and head into my bathroom locking the door behind me, I do my everyday routine. Which means I took a shower brushed my teeth and straightened my hair, I don't war makeup so I don't take much time. When I get out I put on a pair of black skinny jeans and my favorite white tank top with my red and white varsity Letterman's jacket. "Lookin good!" I jump and spin around seeing my friend Abby standing in my door way. "Don't ever f***ing do that again!" I grab my backpack and out on my red and white high top Vans. "You ready to go? Josh is waiting outside for us!" She whines, I quickly grab a energy bar and bottle of water as we walk out to Josh's car. Josh is Abby's boyfriend and Tyler's best friend. Convenient right? I stop and grab arm, "I had the dream about that day again Abs." Her face quickly goes serious as she hugs me, "It probably doesn't mean anything." She says yanking my arm to pull me towards Josh's car. "But I haven't had it in 3 whole years! I'm a senior now! For f***s sake! I'm turning 17!" I pull my arm away. "I was 13 going on 14 when it happened!" Her face softens as she studies my face. "It is going to be okay. I swear!" She smiles making me feel more comfortable. "Now let's go show the school who is the f***ing boss!" I laugh as she drags me to her boyfriends car, "You do know we are nobody's right?" Her smile drops but she brings it back. "I said show! Which means we are gonna teach the school!" I see Josh crack a smile as he looks back at us through his mirror. "And what if they already know? Then why are we doing?" Her face looks deep in concentration when she finally blows, "If they already know, then we aren't nobody's!" I laugh as we pull into the schools parking lot. "Be careful guys, the beast is pmsing today." Josh says unbuckling and getting out. "Oh great! Something else to hate about life right now!" I throw my hands up being dramatic. "Hey! At least we got a warning!" We both laugh as we head to our first class, but as usual the world hates the idea of me ever getting anywhere on time and decides to throw me a challenge. I never back out of a challenge, so I had to except it when Josh made a bet saying I couldn't beat the WaterBalls best sprinter in the meet tonight. "I accept that challenge!" I yell putting my fist in the it like some comic book hero. "Please like you can beat her!" I stare at him before bursting out in laughter "You underestimate me!" He isn't the only one. There is always Tyler, the one who left me, the one who liked me, the one that I liked.........
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