A Third Member?

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So far: Kiyo and Hiro are on their way to Pewter City. Eevee and Bonsly are traveling far ahead trying to keep up with their arguing trainers. 

"I should never travel on foot again" I shook my head. My feet were aching. 

"Get used to it, we don't have cars" Hiro smirked.

"Vee" Eevee squealed while Bonsly tripped.

"Bonsly!" Bonsly cried while he fell on his side.

"Baby Bonsly" Hiro shushed Bonsly. He went over to pick him up.

"My my" I touched my cheek. I felt my heart swell up with happiness. 

"Ve ve ve" Eevee ran to my side. 

"Bonsly how about you go back into your ball" Hiro said getting the Pokeball from his side. Bonsly continued to cry till he was back into the ball.

"Could've been fake tears" I suggested. 

"Yeah you're right but Bonsly is very young" He smiled.

We continued to walk till we were at a dead end in the forest.

"Great!" Hiro said kicking a rock into a bush.

"Don't do that!" I growled as the bush started to move.

"Oh no" Hiro put his hand on his Pokeball. A Cubone jumped out. 

"Cubone" The Cubone said.

"And hello to you" I smiled. Hiro took a few steps back.

"I'm gonna catch it" Hiros voice got lower and more serious.

"Ve!" Eevee hopped to Hiros side. He started to bite his pant leg.

"What?" Hiro looked down still holding his Pokeball. 

"Try to catch it" A male voice came out from behind the bush.

"Who?" I jumped not expecting another person to be here. A boy about 18 stepped out from behind the bush. He had black hair and light eyes. He had striking features which made me stare at him. 

"Whats up?" The boy said looking directly at Hiro.

"Should've known this was your Cubone, Akiro Ketchum" Hiro looked embarrassed. 

"K-Ketchum?" I stuttered. 

"Heard of me?" Akiro smirked looking at me. 

"Ketuchum.." I mumbled.

"Shes struck!" Hiro laughed.

"Ash Ketchums first son" He nodded. "Misty Waterflower is my loving mother."

"Brock Harrison is my uncle" I said as I caught my breath. 

"Really?" Akiro looked amused. "Surprised I haven't seen you before."

"Huuuu" Is all I could muster out.

"Veee" Eevee admired Akiro. He seemed to sense my admiration.

"Cubone bone bone" Cubone lifted his bone staff to me.

After the boys laughed at me for several minutes I regained my posture and asked Akiro where he was headed. He said he was going to Pewter City to battle my uncle. His father said Brock would be a great first step to getting a gym badge. He said he would want to compete in the Indigo League but his Mother tried to tell him it was a rough battle.

"So now that you know all about me" Akiro said as we walked. "How about you say some stuff about yourself?"

"Me?" Hiro asked.

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