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So the votes were, *last time i checked, 5 minutes ago*, 2 for fluff and 3 for smut, but since im a people pleasure, I'm going to do both, the fluff and the smut, so the chapter will be fluff, smut, fluff, oooor all fluff and the next chapter some smut and more fluff, lets see how this goes... plus i have to add in that ball, i forgot because im an idiot 😂

Anywhore to the story...

(Franks POV)

I giggled as he pressed his body closer to mine, resting his forehead against mine. I blushed deeply, he gently rubbed our noses together, in a cutesy Eskimo kiss.

We laid on the bed, him curled up against me, and traced small circles and unknown patterns on my stomach and chest. I smiled and kissed the top of his head, making Frank smile into Gerards chest, that his head was laying on.

Frank then started to write random stuff onto Gerard chest.

He started to to draw Gerards name, then hearts, then his own name.


♡ ♡ ♡


Frank Way

Gerard Iero

Frank Iero - Way

Gerard and Frank Way

Prince Gerard Way and Frank Way

Frank giggled to himself, at the things he was writing, Gerard didn't know what he was writing, and Frank wanted to keep it that way.

Gerard stopped Franks hand and interlaced their fingers together.

"Hey. Frankie?" Gerard asked, quietly.

"Yeah, Gee?"

"Would you go to the ball with me?"

Frank smiled and looked up at Gerard, who was already looking down at him, waiting for an answer.

"Of course, Gee." Frank smiled, "I want to do everything with you."

Gerards head of course went to the gutter, (and same with all the fangirls/boys, lol I know what you all are thinking) but quickly dismissed those thoughts and smiled and pressed a kiss to Franks temple, Frank closed his eyes at the feeling, and blushed.

Both closed their eyes and drifted off to sleep, taking a nap before the ball tonight...

Short I know, but wanted to update because I havent done it in a bazillion years. Next chapter will have the ball, probably some smut, then more fluff and will hopefully be way longer then this crappy short chapter I just gave you lol

Also If yoy would like it, I can create a Playlist for this book in spotify. Or one of you can do it, if you would like, and just message me the link and I will feature it in the next chapter, but if not i will do it lol i did it for my other fics....

Anyway thats all for now....


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