"No he didn't." I scoff and roll my eyes at my dad. 

"Are you going to believe your family, or some wild kid who likes to get into fights and doesn't care about anyone but himself?" My father throws at me. When I wasn't with Cooper, I did hear about his temper getting in the way, or he was very rude to people. 

I've seen it before once.. It was at the diner, he didn't know I was there, but I picked up a late shift for Maybell that night. From behind the kitchen counter, I watched him confront someone and it was not pretty. I didn't see the man who he was talking to, but I couldn't make out what Cooper was saying. They were in the back corner, so no one else saw them. But I did see Cooper shove the man, making it seem like Cooper was giving him a warning. 

I don't know why I hadn't thought more of it. Maybe I had believed Cooper had a rough day and was just letting off steam, but now that I think of it, that's still not a good reason to rough someone up like that. "Are you sure he did it?" I ask my dad. 

"It was his jacket, I know it was. I want you to be careful around him." My dad says softly, making me realize he was telling the truth. I didn't say anything, I just turned around and walked into the house. 

What would I tell Cooper? Tell him that my daddy said no, so I couldn't? Or after every conversation we've had, I just didn't want to anymore? I grabbed my phone from my back pocket, and hesitated before I called Cooper, but I just couldn't bring myself to call Cooper. How could he steal from my family? And I'm sure it wouldn't be a big deal if it was $100, I'm sure it had to be a lot more than that. Was Cooper, who I really thought he was? Or was he just trying to get on my good side so he could do other bad dead? 


Tonight at the diner was, "Friday Fun." Friday fun was just a night at the diner for kids still in high school. There was sometimes live music and the ice cream was buy one get one free, so lots of people of came. When I was in school everyone looked forward to it, I wonder if people still like to go.

I looked at my outfit before I headed out. My hair was curled, but I braided the front pieces of my hair and pinned them on the back of my head. I was wearing a white long sleeve shirt with the criss cross lase up strings, and some black ripped skinny jeans. I wore some flip flops and a Boot Barn belt. 

Holy cow, there is a lot of people here tonight. I had to park on the street, it was so packed! I tucked my phone in my back pocket as I walked up to the entrance door. As I opened the door the noise overwhelmed my senses and I looked around at all the teens around me. When I was looking around my eyes landed on Cooper, who I didn't think who was going to be here. 

He wasn't looking at me, and I was thankful. I really didn't want to explain myself to him for skipping on him, because quite frankly, I didn't have an answer for myself. I went behind the counter, to go talk to Maybell who was cashing into the cash register. "I didn't think it would be this busy." I say to May as I lean against the counter. 

"Every Friday night, just like this. But most of them just kind of hang around, barely get anything." She shrugs and I nod to her. 

"Hey May, can I ask you something?" I ask her as I return my eyes to her after looking at Cooper. 

"Anything sugar." She sweetly says and stands in front of me, with a hand on her hip. 

"What do you think about Cooper Blackwood?" I ask with a force sigh during the words. 

"Honestly?" She asks and I nod, "From the amount of girls I've seen him here with, I'd assume he can't be in a committed relationship or it's for something else. And what he did to your daddy, makes me weary about him. He's also got a fighting side to him.. I'd be careful, D." She says and I just nod to her, not knowing what to think. Hearing Maybell say it made things a little bit easier, because now I know my dad isn't lying to me. 

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