I smiled and splashed water at Launce that didn't go far. "I even met your mother when I tried to wake the King up that day. She's a very beautiful woman."

Lance became quiet. He asked me in a low tone, "Did she say anything to you?"

I looked at Lance and saw him clench the countertop. His head was bowed and he wasn't looking at my face. "Lance?"

Lance jumped a little and he looked at me. Lance's eyes looked fearful for a moment, but he soon gave me the same smile as earlier. I don't like it.

"Ah, no! I'm sorry for weirding out like that! It must be the heat of the bath...I'll step outside for a bit. Just finish up, and then we'll have some fun today. 'Kay?"

I watched Lance walk briskly out of the bathroom and shut the door. I felt my fingers prune up and decided to finish the rest of my bath. After that, I stepped out and took the towel that was hanging on the doorknob. I dried myself a bit and wrapped the towel around my waist, stepping out of the bathroom.

I looked around the room and didn't see Lance. Did he leave? I went to his bed and found a pair of clothes my size. I put them on with my beat up sneakers and left the room.

In the bathroom, Lance was acting weird at the mention of his mother. Another question I didn't get to ask him about was when he said that he designed his room "like the one back at home".

I went downstairs to see Lance talking with his mother. They seemed to be in a deep conversation, as I heard them talking in German. When I neared them, Lance's mother looked over Lance's shoulder and smiled at me.

"Well if it isn't the boy I saw yesterday coming home passed out. I'm assuming that you're doing better, yes?"

"Haha...yeah. I'm sorry about that...and about the bracelet as well. I'm sure you guys were a bit angry about that topic," I said apologetically.

"Our dear Joselyn put on quite a show about the bracelet. Fear not boy, I show no anger towards you. You were overwhelmed by everything and were just not thinking right. It's perfectly normal to feel that way," Lance's mother reasoned.

My goodness...someone who can,relate and understand me! Lance is just as his mother, thoughtful and peaceful.

"Mother," Lance's voice warned.

"Oh schatz(sweetheart), can't I just be more forthcoming of myself. I only wanted to let him know that I am on his side on these matter," she smiled at Lance. Lance gave a weak smile back.

"Don't you dare believe a word that twisted snake spouts from her lying lips," a voice boomed out.

Our eyes went to the sound of the voice and saw Ren and his mother standing at the top of the stairwell.

"Hello there Joselyn. How do you do?" Lance's mother asked with a smile. However, the geniuity of the smile didn't reach her eyes.

"Hello to you too Daphine. It's amazing how we meet each other, by a stroke of luck, just when you talk to the holder of the bracelet," she said with the same smile as Lance's mother.

"Your spion(spy) of a son is your thanks to that "sheer luck" that you speak of."

"Who am I kidding? It wasn't luck at all! Your intelligence is something to be admired. You saw right through me."

"Ren, you didn't...did you?" Lance asked.

"And why should I have to answer to you at all Lance?" Ren asked him.

Lance clenched his fists and stared at Ren angrily. "Ren, why must you always be like this? There is no competition! Can't we just be-!"

Ren cut him off. "Ah ah ah!" He said with a wag of his finger. "No competition? He is the one who is deciding the future of our Kingdom. If one of you has a lead, shouldn't it be fair to even the playing field?"

Slum Boy's Princes (Boy X Boy)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن