you know, it can get hard sometimes

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Dipper's POV

When Pacifica said that she's in pain, i wanted to hurt myself as well. But she needs me right now. If she can't be strong, I will be. I'll tell her to stay in the shack.

D: Um, You can stay in the shack if you want.

P: Wouldn't your Gruncle say something?

D: I don't think he would even care to be honest.

P: Would you do that for me?

I smiled.

D: Sure

P: Thank you so much. And here's your hat.

D: Oh, thanks.

We went to the shack and I spoke to Gruncle Stan. He said that it's okay. Mabel was the happiest person from all of us.

M: Yes! Another House Mate! Waddles did you hear that? *hugs Pacifica*

P: *smiles*

D: Okay, let's go make Pacifica's Bed. Mabel Come and help me.

M: Sure Bro!

Pacifica mouthed me "Thank you"  when we were going upstairs.

We were going to be fine.

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