Two: Being Freinds With Famous People

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G: wanna meet kaycee?

B: yeah i'd love to!

After we put our stuff in our lockers, Gabe took a look at my schedual and found out that i have English on first period, so does Kaycee.

G: i better head to class now, see you at lunch, oh and say hi to kaycee for me!

B: i will, see you!
B: why is he running? First period dosen't start until 8 minutes, is his class far from here?

T: he's 15 bailey he's in highschool, highschool section is pretty far from
here, but their lockers are in middle school section.

B: oh i see, Kaycee and Gabe close? I did he know that she has english on first period?

T: they're bestfriends! They're always together, they auditioned on AGT together! Speaking of bestfriends..i want you to meet my friends at lunch i'm sure they'll like you, but now lemme help you find your class room.

B: thank you so much Tahani you
helped me alot today.

T: no problemo!

We got to class and she enterd with me, i asked her:

B: you have english on first period as well?

T: nah, i just wanna say hi to Kaycee
T: hey Kay! Wassup?

K: hey tiny t! What are you doing here? Oh hey who's your friend?

B: m-my name's Bailey Sok, i-i'm a big of fan of you!

K: aww really? Well..we're gonna be friends now!

B: i can't believe it! Oh um..Gabe told me to say hi to you..

K: oh you met Gabe already, cause i thought i'd introduce you to him

B: well..that's already been done *giggles* oh and locker's
right next to his!

K: oh really *fake giggle* um..Tahani i think you should go to you're class now, you're gonna be late..

T: um..yeah..i'll you two at lunch

I felt a bit bad, i'm not really sure what did i say wrong but..i can tell that Kaycee was hurt, i sat down behind her, and i kept thinking, then i realized:

B: um..Kaycee?

K: ..yeah?

B: um..i just wanna let you know that i'm not into Gabe at all..and i think that you two look cute together.. *smile*

K: *fake laugh* wh-what are you''s not like were..d-dating or anything..

B: i know it's none of my buisness but..i can tell that you like him Kaycee..and don't worry i'm not telling anyone..and tbh i feel like he likes you too.

K: really? Do you think i have a chance?..

B: absolutely!

K: tha.. oh hey teacher's here!


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