"Joshuan the Krayson?" Heron asked. Her voice was quiet, the volume lessened by Krayson's control of the spirit.

Krayson grimaced as he whispered a reply. "If it's all the same to you, my lady, I don't consider myself as the head of house."

"Then what should I call you?"

"It is the way of the Horde to address a man by his mother's tribal name. I've been called Krayson since I was born."

Heron gave a wry laugh. "I imagine that changed once you came back to your homeland."

Althandor was never Krayson's homeland, but he didn't press the issue. "In the tower, they call me Joshuan."

"For prudence's sake, I'll do the same. Your house name has a talent for conjuring hot tempers in the palace."

Krayson felt a twist in his lip. When he was younger, he tried to explain to the brothers and masters of the Order that Joshuan wasn't his given name but the tribal name of his father. In Teularon, only women had given names while the men carried the names of tribes. A Teulite man was not an individual but the honor of two bloodlines given form and will. The naming convention caused a small amount of confusion when it came to brothers, but Teulites could be exceedingly imaginative with nicknames.

As he conversed by sending, Krayson explored the store. He kept his eyes and ears open for the owner, but he only heard the sound of the crowds outside. The store seemed to be deserted.

"So, Joshuan," Heron continued, "seeing as you're still alive, I assume you eluded any trouble?"

"For the moment. I'll spare you the details, but I've ended up in Fellowton as a result."

"That's no small detour. Who attacked you?"

Krayson's mouth drew into a line. He thought on the consequences of telling Heron the truth. Of a Dragon Empress in the Spired City, of Prince Vintus' interference, and of Garret's association with both. The unfortunate truth was that he had little cause to trust Heron. He had enough enemies without inviting royal assassins to the list.

It was becoming clear that battle lines were being drawn within House Algara. Assassins were being pitted against each other, and they might not yet be aware that it was happening.

Krayson's eyes widened at a realization. One assassin knew, had perhaps fallen victim to it already.

"Impossible to say who their master was," Krayson said to answer Heron's question. A lie, but there were few prohibitions against falsehoods in the Order. Not when it might serve to fulfill his contract. "Though I have reason to believe these henchmen recently encountered Princess Jin Algara."

Unexpectedly, Heron laughed. "I doubt that."


Heron sounded more amused than anything as she explained. "Jin's demonstrating a little youthful rebelliousness at the moment. She spirited herself out of Althandor recently. According to Duchess Josenthorne, she's been rendezvousing with a Gaulatian scribe in Ecclesia."

Krayson's breath caught. "Altier Nashal. Where Prince Dashar was killed."

"Unrelated," Heron said firmly. "Josy was clear on that. Jin had nothing to do with the recent rebellion or Dashar. His Grace is overreacting in the extreme if you're right that he sent killers after her."

Duchess Josenthorne was the daughter of Prince Vintus. Krayson wouldn't accept it as a coincidence.

"Has anyone attempted to give a sending to Her Highness?" he asked.

Blood Runner: Book Three of the Empress SagaWhere stories live. Discover now