Ch 27 - Examination

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"Yes ma'am." You winked and walked towards the showers.

Once your stripped and turned one the water. A couple bruises were left from the battle. They would have healed but you were taxed on monster energy. You didn't mind. You'd rather be awake and bruised up than perfect skin and borderline coma.

So you scrub well and put some scented body gel in the smelly places. You rinse your mouth as well. You heard the lady. And you didn't want know the punishment of disappointment. That (H/C) hair that she loved was free of any dirt or any oils. You basically showered equivalent of going on a date. Instead you were going to bed. That was one thing you needed it.

You open your door and close the door gently. You finally turn around and you hold back a nosebleed and close your jaw with your mouth. Kurumu was dressed in a sexy white gown.

"Kurumu wow I.... you are so.....I can't find the words." You studered.

"Come to bed. Stop thinking." She said.

"I knew you were beautiful. That was the first thing I saw in you. Although I was expecting this." You said gaining your composure back.

"Well we've been together a bit and I've got more comfortable. I think it's okay for me to wear these gowns to bed. They are just comfy. And I don't have to wear a bra under your dress shirts. Those are uncomfortable to bed." She smiled. "Now will you please let me cuddle you. I'm been waiting mister.

"Sorry for taking too long."

You thud into bed on your back and she lays on your chest once you get comfy.

"You know, I was worried about myself before I met you. They say Succubi live off of love from someone.  I promised not to use my powers. I thought if I saw Moka kiss Tsukune I'd turn to stone and then into dust." She pouted.

"Was I one of the only guys that went for you. I mean Moka said to talk to you. She was right." You stared at the ceiling.

"Well that Blob asshole gawked at me and made poor attempts. I think Tsukune was being nice but I thought he went for all of us at one point. Whatever. You are the best thing that has happened to me. I'll be crushed without you." She swished her hand through your hair.

"I don't know what I'd be like without you. You taught me how to love. I don't know how my mom will react to bringing you home. She probably thinks I'm scared to date."

She smirks. "Well you aren't. Although you make her sound so scary."


"Oh stop." She gives you a peck.

"Okay I'll zip it. Anything else?" You ask calmly.

"Turn over." She gets up and over back a step on her knees.


"I'm going to give you a massage. You need one. No does not apply. Kay?" She said in a cute voice.

"Yes Angel."


You had knots you didn't realize until she used her gentle hands to rub them. It tool her 20 minutes or so. From the moaning and groaning it was like she half kicked the heck out of you.

"You done yet?" You ask trying to tough out the pain.

"Yes dear. Now chill." She said firmly and laid back down like nothing happened.

"So I know you don't want to talk about but last spare how'd I do you think?"

She gave you that annoyed glance. "That you are. But you looked great. On the defensive side you have done great. And I'm not sure what you and ice queen have done together but even I couldn't tell the difference between you and the clone. And those grab things were kind of cool. And you controlled them not to hurt people?"

"Well the clone took work. The vises I can control what they can do. It uses monster energy but I felt dead as soon as Ruby called it quits. And one more day until I see Mom. Mixed feelings about it." You mutter towards the end.

"Well I guess I'll find out why."

You cover your face with a pillow. "What did I do to deserve this?"

"Keep talking like that and I will smother you. You forget that's my specialty. That and mouth to mouth when needed." She said seductively.

"Sorry. It's just me and her didn't leave on good terms when I left for school." 

"Why was she so upset?" She asked puzzled.

"She thought I didn't belong here."

"But you have monster inside of you. What does she mean? Does she want you in the human world or what's her deal?" She was starting to realize and she frowned.

"I guess all of us will find out Saturday. I'm beat. Goodnight Angel." As you pull the blanket and flip over.

"Ya. Goodnight stud muffin." She whispered.

She hit the pillows just like you did but couldn't dose off yet.

Something tells me that his mom knows something that we don't and won't spill it. I'm sure he knows it too and is scared. I can't believe I'm putting him through this. But at this time I have no choice but to make him go. Last battle pushed his limits. Their may not be a next time. He might die or something even worse can happen. But no matter what happens Saturday I will give him all my love. He deserves every bit of it.


Admin- Well nothing says "SHUT UP NURSE! (Markiplier reference sorry) like not knowing your condition. Sure enough your mom might know but you are freaked out to know what the deal is. How bad will your mom act? We'll find out next time around.

As always everyone I hope you have a great day, hope you enjoyed the read, and any comments, questions, critique or anything but all means comment or shoot me a message. Thanks everyone.


My Destined One (Kurumu X Male Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon