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Every single day when she walks into the halls of that building, she thinks to herself to today is the day. That today is the day when she will stand up for herself. That today she will tell them all that the image of her they have created in her mind is not true. That she was not guilty for all the crimes that they accused her of. That she genuinely cares about each and every single one of them. That she will do anything in her power to make them happy. That she is not the bad, ill-mannered, mean viper they all expect her to be.

But, the look in the eyes of every single one of them, when they turn to look at her, makes whatever courage she had managed to gather to face the day waver. She is too scared to even contemplate talking to them about it. That whoever told them those God awful about her is lying. That she has proof that the person who slandered her reputation is lying.

But she cannot do that.

The person behind it all is one of them. They trust that person more than they trust her. They are loyal to that person. That person enjoys not only their loyalty, but their care and friendship too.

Their unwavering trust, belief and loyalty is the reason why she finds it hard to confront them. She admires them, even if they don't know they are being played. That they have put their faith in the wrong person.

The person who, when all is said and done, will stab them in the back just like she stabbed her.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2016 ⏰

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