Chapter 55 Elias's P.O.V.

Start from the beginning

I shake my head.

"That's where you're wrong. I was after one thing, but now I'm after more than that. I'm after everything, both her inner and outer self. Because I have real feelings for her" I confess.

"Whatever man" he replies unbothered.

"I don't want you anywhere near her. Don't you dare lay not even a hand on her!" I warn.

"You're not the one to decide that" he informs with a grin.


"The day of the accident I had been fired from my job as a maid at the Richardson's home" she begins.

"It was a very mind blowing and stressful day for me. I had no idea where I was going or what to do" she explains.

"So I wandered the streets. The chilly, dark, abandoned looking streets. Alone" she explains.

"Until someone found me. Jaden." She informs to the officers.

"So Ms.Parren are you saying Jaden was with you way before the accident even happened?" an officer questions.

She nods.

"Yes he was".

Yes! This is it! He's going to pay for what he deserves!

"What happened after that?" the officer urges for her to continue.

"He offered me his help. But considering our past encounters I had refused" she states.

"And so he tried to take me with him by force" she replies.

"For her own good ofcourse. It wasn't safe for her to be alone out there" Jaden joins.

I shoot him a glare as the others give him a glance then turn their attention back to Analia.

"As so he states. And so after fighting him off, I ran.

I ran into the street, he called my name I turned, he tried to warn me yelling watch out and to move out the way, but it was too late" she explains.

"So no, Jaden did not push me into the street so a vehicle could run me over.

He tried to save me.

However he did lie to everyone when he said he found me after the accident had happened" she adds.

"Thank you for your statement Ms.Parren, you have a nice day and get better soon" the officer replies.

"Thank you" Analia smiles.

"That's it!?" I ask angrily.

"I'm afraid so" the officer states.

"But he triggered the accident! He should pay for that!" I shout.

"Sir there isn't evidence of that" the officer explains.

"She just say what happened! That's evidence enough" I argue.

"She isn't blaming him for anything. We can't take him, he did the right thing trying to warn her in order to get her into safety" the officer states.

"Well can't you arrest him for sexual harassment!?" I ask.

"No" the officer shakes his head.

"I believe our job here is done. Thank you for your time" he adds and waves leaving with the others.

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