Chapter 1

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Author's Note: Hey there! Sorry that I haven't updated but I have had so much going on. But I am back now! Thank you for sticking around!

I sipped at the cup of coffee in my hands, the hot liquid sliding down my throat as I turned the key in the lock. Momentarily the alarm went off and I punched in my code. I headed towards the front counter, turning on the lights in the store and making sure everything was all set. I was preparing myself for another long day with only a few stragglers here and there. I guess Georgia wasn't as busy as I thought it was going to be. New fears and worries kept me up and I couldn't help but fear my business going down the drain; my hopes and dreams along with it. Today I had my hair up in a messy bun, my makeup light. I was flipping through one of the ledgers when the bell above the door rang. My eyes snapped up from the book and looked at a nervous young boy, his hands in his pockets. His hair hung in his eyes as he browsed the closest rack to him. He chewed on his bottom lip and I closed the ledger and moved towards him.

"Is there anything I can help you with?" I asked him, trying to keep my voice from showing how excited I am that someone was here.

He jumped looking a bit startled and he lifted his head, a small smile playing on his lips, "I was just looking for a friend of mine." He said, his voice low and it was hard to hear him. "Well do you know what she likes and doesn't like?" I watched as he shook his head and looked even more lost, as if he was in a swimming pool but couldn't swim. I chuckled softly and lead him towards the less flashy clothing. "If she doesn't want to be the center of attention, I don't advise anything flashy." He chuckled a bit and I laughed softly, "Do you think you can describe her to me?"

He grinned and his eyes began to sparkle, his mouth moving a mile a minute. My hands made quick work of the clothes on the rack and pulled out a garment, a nice plumb color with a slight plunging neckline. It had a small belt around the waist and I held it up to him. "She sounds like plumb will suit her." He looked to it and nodded his head following me to the front. "Does she need anything else?" I asked him, wondering if he was going to be surprising her because there wasn't anyone with him. I was wrapped up in the fact that this teenager was going to be my first customer that I had forgot to ask.

"I was thinking about some shoes and maybe a necklace," He looked deep in thought as he looked at the necklaces that were under the glass case, the jewels sparkling beneath the glass. I left him to look as I slid over to the shoe racks and pulled out a pair of simple black pumps and set them in their box, grabbing a couple of sizes since I didn't know what shoe size she was. He looked up once I came back and pointed to the box that was her size. I set the other two behind the counter.

"Are you ready to pick anything else out?" I asked him and he nodded, pointing to the necklace he had his eye on. Smiling, I unlocked the case and pulled out the small, delicate chain with a one carat diamonds surrounding a ruby. "I think she will love it. See, now it wasn't that bad was it?" I asked him as I began to ring up the items he had, placing the dress in a dress bag, the necklace was closed in a velvet box and put in a bag with the shoes.

"Your total is 533 dollars," he reached into his pocket and pulled out some cash, counting out the bills and I raised an eyebrow, wondering how he had so much money. It was none of my business and I wasn't going to ask him. I smiled and pressed a few buttons and put the cash in the till. "Thank you for being my first customer." He grinned at me, grabbing the dress bag and the other bag, "Thank you for your help."

I watched him go and smiled to myself. It was nice to see a teenage boy shopping for a girl he liked. I was shocked to see him in here with his physique but I knew not to judge a book by its cover. Maybe he was a really sweet boy, honestly it seemed like he was. I sipped at my coffee, the smile never leaving my face. People having been trickling in at a slow pace but it made me feel better that I at least had some sales, although the young boy was the biggest sale I had today.

I flipped the sign to closed and locked up the store, my purse slung over my shoulder. I was heading towards the small café next door when I knocked into someone, causing me to fall to the pavement. My purse went flying and everything flew all over the place and scattered. I hissed in pain and tried to control my breathing, the pain coursing through my leg. I crouched down and began to gather the things that went flying, not even looking at who I ran into. My cheeks were flushed as a hand reached out to grab a small item that I had missed, seeing it was a tampon. I hesitantly looked over and saw a handsome man with long hair and a baseball cap.

"I'm sorry," he muttered as I hastily grabbed the tampon from his hand and shoved it into my purse. "No I wasn't watching where I was going," I whispered, my voice escaping me and this is the first time I was rendered speechless.

"What is a pretty lady like you doing by herself?" He asked, his voice gruff and I chuckled a bit. "I'm new here, just opened my shop." After I explained that to him, I put the purse back on my shoulder and shifted nervously, feeling my feet hurting from standing still in my heels. "What kind of shop?" He asked and I could hear that he was honestly curious about it. "Just a clothing shop for bigger people," I spoke giving him a soft smile and chewing on my bottom lip. "Wait, your place is where my son went!" He said it almost like he was excited, his blue eyes shining.

He was quite the peculiar man, but he seemednice.    

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