Chapter 2

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(Picture of Zander)

Dylan, my roommate, rolled over to me on his stool as I was throwing away my ink covered gloves.

"Hey Abby, Riot and I are going out tonight, you wanna come with us?" He said referring to his girlfriend and my other roommate.

"Actually, I have a date tonight." I replied

"Gasp! The great Abigail Kettler has a date?!" He said in a sarcastic tone.

"Shut up!" I said, smacking him in the shoulder. "I can get dates."

"I never said you couldn't get them, I said you just don't give many guys the time of day. What made this guy stand out?" he asked. But before I could answer him, Riot walked into the shop.

"Hey Abby." She said with a wave. "Come on, babe. If we get there too late we are never gonna get our food!" She said now talking to Dylan. He looked to me and pointed.

"We'll talk later." He said, as he stood up and walked towards the door.

"Bye guys! Be safe!" I yelled after them.

Once I have the shop locked up, I shoot a quick text to Zander that read "Running back to my house to change real quick, see you there?" I got in my car and started my drive home.

I unlocked my apartment door, and walked into my kitchen. Setting my purse, keys, and phone on the counter, I went to my room to find a outfit to wear. I pulled out a pair of dark wash blue jeans, black crop top, my black leather jacket, and a pair of black spiked heels. Before changing I grabbed my phone and called a cab, if I'm drinking, I am so not driving my only car home. After hanging up I ran and changed my clothes and touched up my make-up, then I fixed my hair up a little. Grabbing my purse and keys I put them in the zipper part of my purse to keep from losing them. Then I looked outside to see if the cab was here, and he wasn't. Man they take forever. Sitting down on the couch I scrolled through my Facebook for a few minutes. Then I decided to check again, he was finally here. Grabbing my purse, I went outside to the cab and off we went.

Pulling up in front of the bar, I handed some money to the driver and climbed out. I pushed open the door of the bar, and the sound of music, and people talking over music hit my ears. Looking around, trying to find Zander, I spotted him sitting at the bar, sipping on something. I walked over and sat next to him. He looked up at me and said,


"What?" I said, moving my hair and looking to make sure I didn't have anything on my outfit.

"Nothing, you just look gorgeous." I blushed a little, and sent him a smile.

"Thank you. You clean up pretty good yourself." I was lying, he cleaned up better than pretty good. He looked amazing. He had on a black dress shirt, black jeans, and some black engineer boots, and his leather jacket was hanging against the back of the bar stool.

"Hey Z. Who's the lady friend?" The bartender's voice broke my train of thought. Zander smiled at the older woman.

"This is my date, her name is Abigal." He said to her. She smiled at me.

"Hi there Abigal. My name is Lisa, nice to meet you. What can I get for ya?"

"Hi Lisa, it's nice to meet you too. Could I get a RR and pepsi on the rocks?"

"Sure thing." She said, and she walked off.

"That's my Aunt Lisa, she owns this bar." Zander said in my ear.

Two hours and about 10 drinks later, Zander and I sat at the bar laughing.

"I should get going." I said, standing up. Zander stood up too.

"At least let me get you home. I don't want you getting hurt." I smiled at him, and pulled my phone out, dialing the number of the cab service. As we stood outside waiting for the cab, he reached his hand around me and rested it on my hip. I looked up at him, my eyes looked into his big dark brown eyes, he started to lean down and my breath hitched. His lips brushed mine, then he crushed his lips down onto mine. Electricity shot through me, I reached up and ran my fingers through his hair, as he placed his other hand on my hip. He pulled away all too soon, and rested his forehead on mine. When I looked around I realized that the cab had pulled into the pub's parking lot.

When we got to my apartment, he kissed my hard again, pushing me up against the door. I broke away long enough to get the door unlocked. He slid my jacket off and threw it on the couch. Then we finally made it to my room. He pushed me down onto my bed, and that's when I knew, tonight going to be a night to remember.

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