Chapter -5-

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•Evans POV•
I had woken up by myself. I checked the date on my phone "HOLY SHIT THE PARTY!" I got up quickly rushing out the room seeing Jonathan drinking coffee "Hey Evan" he smiled as I smiled "hey I uh gotta get home before my sister kills me! Also tell your sister I said hi when she comes home!" I put my boot heels on and left as he muttered a ok. Getting into my car I drive home as fast as possible and take out my key fumbling to put it in. Finally unlocking the door I bust in and shut the door seeing Vanessa and Rain putting party things up "oh great you guys already started" Vanessa rolled her eyes "better be lucky hoe" I chuckled as I started to help
•time skip•
A few minutes later we had finished we told everyone what time and went to my room to change.

After changing I came downstairs and put some music on well twenty one pilots because I love them! I kinda had flat open toed shoes so I danced with rain who sung "SHES THE TEAR IS MY HEART! IM ALIVE" and I giggled joining in "she's the tear in my...

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After changing I came downstairs and put some music on well twenty one pilots because I love them! I kinda had flat open toed shoes so I danced with rain who sung "SHES THE TEAR IS MY HEART! IM ALIVE" and I giggled joining in "she's the tear in my heart! I'm on fire" soon Vanessa got up and joined "SHES THE TEAR IN MY HEART! TAKE ME HIGHER!" Soon the door opened and we saw the group as Jojo which was Jonathan's sister came forward "wow starting the party early?" Rain giggled "yep!" She restarted the song as they piled in soon everyone was dancing as I was having the time of my life. I danced with Tyler for a moment as Rain danced with my sister and Jonathan's sister. Everyone was dancing and having fun. Soon Jonathan walked up "may I take Evan?" Tyler nodded and I was lead by Jonathan to a part of the area and I danced with him giggling and smiling. He smiled at me and I looked into his bright blue eyes. I felt like melting right their and then but I know I couldn't. Soon drinks were passed and everyone was gonna get drunk. I just hope a huge orgy doesn't happen in the middle of my house. I took a sip of my beer still dancing with Jonathan. Jonathan seemed to be kinda drunk but he was cute when he's drunk. His messy brown hair made me giggle "you're really cute!" I said as he pouted "nu huh you're the cutie doll~" I blushed and smiled. Time seemed to stop as we stared into each other's eyes. We started to lean in and we kissed as I melted into it. I could taste the alcohol as I tried to hold back a blush but of course the blush sprang forth and my whole face was red.
(Just a little something to get you excited for the next chapter which will be a lemon ;) )

My sexy omega [Discontinued/Compleated]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt