(14) Coffee and plane rides.

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So this is a chapter is Kylie's POV

written by none other then

Eyes like a car crash; I know I shouldn't look, but I can't turn away.


My eyes meet the cream white ceiling. I feel the light blue sheets under my finger tips. The coolness in the air sent a shiver down my spine. My eyes felt fixed on one spot. I looked aimlessly at the grey accent wall. My hand reached for my phone that sat on the white bed side table. Usually that was my priority but my body ached for water.

Standing up from the queen bed revelled my shaky legs. My white shorts and blue tank top made for comfortable pyjamas. Lyra would be asleep like always. I would have about an hour to myself before I would start on breakfast, the smell would wake her up no doubt; the only problem was what to make? It's been almost a week in the busy city of L.A with no food.

Lyra my best friend lived in an apartment in L.A. The view from her place was amazing. Often my parents would let me come and visit her. I had a week left and I was super excited for today. We had huge plans.

I made my bed and tidied up my room. When it was spotless I opened the curtains to reveal a huge window and an amazing view of the city. Stepping out of the room my feet found the cold wood floors. We had made sure the modern apartment was clean. So I took a seat on the white couch. I made a reach to the side table to grab my Macbook ( above ). I sent an email to my parents asking about home. They wouldn't reply for a bit due to the time difference. I checked my etsey to see if my stuff was selling. I sold jewelry and custom made shirts for a side job to pay for school.

My water cup soon became empty but i had no motivation to go get more. I felt tired so I closed my MacBook and headed for the kitchen. The open layout gave me a clear view of the siting area and one of big windows in the house. Looking in the white cupboards i found what I needed for chocolate chip pancakes, Lyra's favourite. I mean its the least i could do. My blonde hair kept falling in my face, I managed to pull off a killer messy bun. Now time to get to work.


" Five minutes left on the clock, chef Kylie is plating the food. She has made a spectacular example of chocolate chip pancakes. She sliced the fruit like a master and pores that syrup like she has done it all her life. "

I took out two pastel yellow plates and slap down two pancakes on each plate. I pour some syrup over them and sprinkle fresh fruit over top. I feel as if I'm missing something. What?

I ran like the flash over to the baking cupboards. Thankfully the powdered sugar is still there. I sprinkle some over the dish and I pour fresh coffee in two mugs. I place the dishes on the table along with the mugs and utensils. Right on cue Lyra stumbles out of her room.

" Food? "

She managed to get out a single word over her yawn.

" Food. "

I respond with a simple one word answer. I don't expect her to respond. She pulls out her chair and takes a seat.

" I guess food will be our always. "

Well i was wrong. I flash a smile and take a sip of coffee. I almost spit it out when i find out i forgot to add milk and sugar. Lyra is dying of laughter.

" I will get your idiotic ass some milk and sugar. "

When I finally add the milk and sugar I can eat. We have casual conversation over breakfast. Mostly about the food and our day plans. Occasionally the topic of home would come up and I would choke down my tears. To be honest I didn't want to leave Lyra.

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