(11) Revenge

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Break fast had finished, and the group of friend greeted each other good bye.

Hermione and Draco had different classes the whole day and had To wait to see each other until later on.

Mean while, Ron and Draco had Divination together. And it was both their last subject before the ending of the day.

Ron thought now was the perfect time for his plan.

He couldn't believe how Gullible his friends were. One second he talks to him about Quidditch and then they think they're best friends because of it.

It was the end of the day and it was time for his plan to start.



Our class had just finished, and I made sure that Draco and I were the last ones to exit.

With professor trelawney, as our teacher, being the big idiot she is, it was easy to make sure we left last.

I knocked over Draco's books.

Twice. Just to make sure we would be last.

We were exiting the astronomy tower, and I let him go ahead of me. I could preform my spell behind him and aim for him right in the centre of his back.

I let him go ahead of me a lot more then I thought I would. To make sure he didn't suspect anything.

Then I cast it.

"CRUCIO." I yelled.

It shot Draco right in the back and he fell down the stairs, and I saw him whimpered in pain.

I walked right past him, showing no emotions not giving him any mercy.

Maybe some one will find him..


It was a miracle someone did find him later on that day.

Madam Pomfrey was walking back from the green house needing some plants for her medical potions, when she realized she wanted to talk to Professor Trelawney and saw Draco whimpering in pain and holding his torso.

She dropped everything she was holding and got out her wand. She cast a Patroness to the Head mistress.
Her Otter flew out of her wand and then shortly after out of sight.

She proceeded to take him up to the hospital wing.

He levitated him on the hospital bed and got all the things she needed.

"What do we have here?" She murmured. "Mhmm" she added. "The Crutio curse." She finished calmly.

Madam Pomfrey reversed the curse and saw that his torso had serious injuries. She wrapped his torso up, and gave him a sleeping potion. All he needed now was rest.

McGonagle got his friends and called them to her office, explaining what happen.

"Is he alright professor?" Hermione asked quickly tearing up.

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