Tattoo on Your Shoulder [] Her

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He was next to me.

Dylan was right next to me, and he was speaking to me.

Should I ignore him? I asked myself. I brought my hand up to my shoulder and rubbed the rose tattoo that resided there, something I did when I was nervous.

All he did to me in the past... I didn't know if I could ever forgive him.

I turned around to face him and looked him straight in the eye.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, trying to look tough instead of scared. Something told me that I failed, as Dylan's rigid, terrified face became more relaxed.

"I-I didn't come here to see you..." He stuttered, running his hand through his dirty blonde hair. "I came for... Peace."

The soft click-clack of high heeled boots became louder as the bartender made her way over with my water.

"Here you go, sweetie," she said, placing the water in front of me. "And for your good looking boyfriend?"

"Ah, no no n-" I protested when Dylan cut me off.

"I'll take a beer." he said, tapping the table with his index finger.

"What kind?" The bartender asked, flipping her long, red bangs to the other side of her head.

"Surprise me."

The bartender walked away, but I interrupted the peaceful sound of her click-clackity boots.

"You actually drink?" I cried, appalled at him. "I guess you really went downhill."

"I don't drink that much," he said. "Well, I do come to bars a lot, but that's not the point."

"Why do you do that to yourself?"

"Hey, you have no right to reprimand me. You're here too."

"I got a water! I didn't come here to drink beer, anyways, I came to get some quiet."

Dylan sighed and started to stand up, placing his eyes on another seat.

In that moment, I thought.

I thought about all the times he had hurt me.

I thought about how the amount of times he made me feel happy outweighed the times he made me feel terrible.

I thought about all the times he brought me flowers and chocolate without it being Valentine's Day.

I thought about how I still loved him.

"Dylan... Wait."

He turned around and looked at me, and I stared straight into the deep blue eyes I had stared into many times before.

"Let's start over."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2016 ⏰

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