I Drink Too Much [] Him

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When I decided to go underage into a hotel bar, I did not expect to see the one girl I avoided for four years.
The story of Kiara Redwood and Dylan Tasmin was long over, and she was the exact opposite of what I wanted to see today.
Her dark brown hair looked red in the bar lighting, and her tan skin shone under the light of the menu above her.
She looked exactly the same, and yet, I could tell that something about her was very, very different.
I wanted to turn around and walk out of that bar right then, I wanted to forget what she did to me, I wanted to forget that I ever saw her, but I felt my feet make their way towards her.
The worst part is, I couldn't stop myself.

I sat next to her, not knowing what I should say, or if I should say anything at all. I could tell that she had seen me, and I knew for a fact she didn't want to either, but I wanted to communicate.

I wanted to start over.

I took a breath and got ready to speak.



"Hey" is the one simple word that came out of my mouth.

"Hey" is the one simple word that has started so many relationships and friendships around the globe.

"Hey" is the word that changed my life.


Hello everyone! Sorry this chapter was so short, but I think that was a pretty good place to end it.

Also: Shoutout to Meg :)

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