Part 14

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I woke up in the same position I had fallen asleep in with River still lying on my chest. I shifted a little and grabbed my phone only to realize apparently everyone was freaking out about me not being around. I sighed softly as I moved away from River hating myself for it.

After I successfully moved myself out from under him and I sat up, I felt his hand on my shoulder. "Where are you going?" He asked groggily and god his voice sounded so sexy.

"My pack apparently needs me." I told him softy.

He sat up and sighed but nodded. "Mine probably needs me too." He confessed looking away.

"Wanna ride back together?"

He softly shook his head. "I'm not ready to be back yet." he told me sheepishly. "Can I get a kiss goodbye though?"

I leaned over and kissed him, and I listened as a surprised moan escaped his mouth. I pulled back and he just stared at me with a goofy grin plastered across his face. "I'll see you soon babe." He just nodded before he laid back down.

"You can take my truck." He told me. "The keys should be by the door."

"Thanks." I leaned down and kissed his cheek again before getting up and making my way downstairs. The entire ride back he was all I could think about. I had really thought he had rejected me. But we spent the last few nights cuddling. As soon as I stepped out of the truck I had both mine and River's dad in front of me.

"Where have you been?"

"Why do you have River's truck?"

I stared at both of them for a moment. Before turning towards my dad. "I was looking for my mate, that thing I'm here to do." I explained before looking to River's dad. "I spent the night at Austin's house with River again and he offered me to take his truck back."

"Why didn't he come back with you?" He asked looking concerned.

I just shrugged. "He said he had a lot on his mind and just needed some time away I guess." He seemed to accept the answer and sighed before turning around. I looked back towards my dad.

"Did you find your mate?" He asked. I didn't wanna lie, but I knew I couldn't tell the truth. Luckily I didn't need to figure out what to say because Jacob and Andrew came running over and jumped on me.

"Dude, you've missed so much." Andrew started as they pulled away. "There's been like 4 fights."

I took a step back and stared at him. "Don't worry it was just some of our doms." Jacob told me. I sighed in relief glad that the two packs weren't fighting. Especially seeing as they'd be one pack pretty soon. My dad turned and walked away realizing he wasn't gonna be getting another word in. "But Riverstone has been freaking out without River here, and then those two that came up to you yesterday, dude, their literally keys to heaven and hell."

I nodded already knowing this information. Their Alpha had explained it to me a bit before we had arrived. "Anyway," Andrew started in again. "What's been going on with you?"

Jacob nodded. "And don't you dare try to pull the 'fresh air' shit again, you were gone all night, again, and you still have that smell on you."

I smiled softly. I didn't need to tell them who it was, but could it really hurt just telling them I found my mate. I looked between the two of them before glancing around to make sure no one else could hear. "You can't tell anyone, like anyone." They both nodded. "I found my mate."

They both stared back at me with wide eyes and smiles to match. "No way, who is it?" Jacob asked.

"I can't tell you just yet, but when I can, you'll be the first two to know." I explained. I could tell they wanted to push the subject but before they had the chance Chase was in between them panting hard.

"Alpha, we have a situation." He said trying to catch his breath. "Adam was by the training grounds," he huffed and I instantly tensed. The training grounds here we were told was off-limits because Austin would be training with Keyon and Jamie would be there. Before he could finish explaining I took off in a sprint towards the forbidden area.

As I neared the training grounds the smell of blood filled my nose making my head spin, and as I got closer I saw Adam lying on the ground bleeding from his arm and stomach while holding himself. Jamie was a few feet away wrapped in a blanket holding a grey wolf and I quickly realized it was Austin, who was still snarling and snapping in Adam's direction.

I reached down and pulled Adam to his feet. "What the hell are you doing over here?" I snapped and watched as he cringed.

"I-I just wa-anted to s-see his mark." He stuttered out.

"This area was not for us." I growled.

"Everyone was talking about it though." He tried to explain but I quickly shut him up by squeezing his wounded arm.

I felt River's father's presence behind us and turned to look at him. "I'm so sorry for his behavior sir," I started but he waved me off as he bent down to check on his nephew. Austin had finally calmed down a bit and was sitting in front of Jamie.

"This is my fault sir," Keyon started, "I should have been paying more attention."

He shook his head. "It's not your fault. Maybe if his alpha would have been here, he would have been acting more rationally."

It felt like a slap to the face. Adam tried jumping to my defense but stopped when he was met with a glare from the Riverstone alpha.

He stood from his position and looked towards me. "My office. Now." He glanced around at everyone who was involved in the situation. "All of you." Everyone stood up except Jamie. His alpha stood and stared at him for a moment.

"I-" He started but his alpha clearly realized what was wrong and smiled down at his nephew.

"It's fine Jamie, just come by when you're dressed." His voice sounded so soft. Jamie nodded and thanked him. "Austin stay behind till you're in your human form again." Austin nodded and the rest of us followed the alpha to his office.

As soon as we stepped in he shut the door and sighed before sitting down at his desk. I couldn't tel you how long we sat there in the piercing silence, it could have been anywhere from 3 minutes to three hours, but eventually Jamie and Austin came through the door and took a seat as well.

"What happened?" He asked looking towards Jamie.

"We were training," Austin started and at first I thought their alpha was gonna be upset it wasn't Jamie, but he seemed to have been expecting it, "Jamie had shifted because we were trying something new, and everything was going good, until Jamie needed to shift back. He had brought a blanket and everything because you know he gets, but then this fuckface," He said gesturing to Adam, "Runs out of the bush and practically tackles Jamie, and I was already in wolf form, and I just lost it."

Their alpha nodded softly, before looking towards Adam. "What were you doing over there? You were told it was off limits."

"I just wanted to see the beta's mark." He tried to explain. "Everyone had been talking about how it takes up his whole back, and I just wanted to see it."

It was then that the door flew open and River came running in, "Dad I need to talk – this seems like a bad time."

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