Part 13

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*River's PoV*

I hadn't ever been so happy to see someone in my entire life. I looked away from the movie that was playing to look up at Jinx once again. He glanced down and kissed my nose. "Do you think your dad is gonna freak out?"

It seemed like the millionth question I had asked since the movie started and it made me feel bad, I didn't mean to ask so many, I just couldn't understand how he was so calm about it. "If he does I really don't care." He told me seriously. "It's not gonna change anything sweetie, I'm the Alpha, not him."

I nodded softly and tried to return my focus to the movie. It didn't last long though. "What if my dad freaks out?"

He chuckled softly and shook his head. "You mean the man who's constantly talking about how he only wants his son happy and doesn't care who his mate is?"

"I'm just really worried." I confessed. "Like I guess I know deep down it's going to be okay, but it's stressing me out. I don't want any bad backlash."

"If anyone doesn't like it River, they can leave." He stated before kissing the top of my head. "We'll be stronger without the negative tension anyway."

I nodded softly knowing he was right but it didn't stop the nagging in the back of my head or the stress that filled my stomach. I knew I should push it aside till later and just enjoy my time with Jinx now, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. Question after question swam through my head, and I didn't have answers for the majority of them, and it was killing me. "What about kids?"

His eyes widened as he looked down at me. "I didn't know we were even thinking about kids yet."

Instantly I felt my face heating as I pulled away from him. "I just," I started off trying to explain where the question came from. "alpha's need to continue the blood line, and we're both guys, and"

He cut me off with a quick kiss. "Calm down. We can adopt. There are special places we can go for it."

I sighed and relaxed back into him, but tensed the second he asked "How many did you want?"

The question definitely wasn't expected. Not only was it just the fact he seemed so surprised when I brought it up, but in our pack it was pretty customary for the top three to only have one. A lot was about to be changing though, maybe it was time to start breaking all the weird traditions. I mean Jamie and Austin were already planning on having three.

"I want four." I mumbled

"Four?" he asked as if he was surprised. I nodded softly. I could feel him smiling. "Me too." he mumbled against me. "I want all boys though."

I chuckled softly and shook my head. "I want three of them to be girls."

He sat silently thinking it over before sighing softly. "One." He stated.




"Two?" he finally compromised.

I thought about it before nodding my head in agreement. "Two."

"And they'll all be beautiful." He whispered. I nodded softy before turning slightly in his arms and kissing his chest.

"How are we going to decide who gets the Alpha position though?" I asked quietly.

"It'll go to the oldest, unless they don't want it. Then it just goes down the line. That's how it works with the Graywall pack anyway. If you don't like it we can talk about it."

I shook my head softly. "That sounds fine." I told him. The entire conversation felt so surreal though. I was literally laying against my mate talking about our future together. Raising little children together. I'd get to spend every night next to him. The thought had my heart racing.

As soon as we were public about us, I never had to spend a second away from him. So much of me couldn't wait. But then I kept thinking back to all the paranoia I was feeling and it killed me. I wanted it so bad, but this fear that was just there, wouldn't go away. So much of me wanted to just say it didn't matter, and that everything would be fine, but the doubt felt like it was eating me alive.

I took a deep breath and sat up a little to look at Jinx better. His attention on me one hundred percent. "I want to tell everyone, I just can't handle rejection from people I've grown up with."

He nodded softly. "I understand River I really do I promise. Like I said this is going as fast or slow as you want. I don't mind waiting as long as I can still spend my free time with you. Just let me know when you're ready. Trust me, I don't want the rejection either, but I don't really think we'll get any."

*Jinx's PoV*

He stared at me for a long time until he finally seemed content with my answer and then fell back against me, his eyes returning to the TV in front of us. The soft smile slowly returned to his face, and I couldn't bring myself to look away.

I hated seeing him so worried about it all. I knew it was going to be alright in the end, and I really wish he would just see that. I just wanted him to feel safe and secure. I could feel myself subconsciously wrapping tighter around him, and I just hoped he felt safe in my arms.

The bedroom door flew open and Austin walked in looking rather stressed as he started a mix of pacing and throwing things into a backpack. "I can't believe my mom is dating him." He voiced.

"Yeah," River agreed, "he seems a little-"

"Dickish?" Austin voiced for him. "You know as soon as you two left the room he made some stupid comment about not wanting to see you two kiss. Like what the fuck? Does he think there's ever gonna be a second between me and Jamie where there isn't a lot of physical contact?"

He dropped the bag and continued pacing back and forth clearly getting more and more frustrated with the situation. "Like seriously?" He asked in aggravation. "I wish Jamie was here, you don't even know," He chuckled softly to himself with a hint of bitterness, "I would have shoved my tongue so far down his throat."

"I mean," I started sitting up further, "we could go down and put on a show if you want." I thought I'd turn to see River glaring at me for even thinking it, but instead he was chuckling and nodding softly.

Austin smiled over at us but shook his head. "It's fine, another day maybe. I don't want my mom upset." He picked the bag back up and threw a few more things in it before turning back towards us. "I'm heading back home for the night. You two can have my bed if you want, just don't have sex anywhere but this shower."

River coughed violently and I just stared at him in confusion. "It's the only place me and Jamie have done it here, and I want the first time everywhere to be between me and him." He informed as he slipped the backpack on. "I'll see you tomorrow, night guys."

"Goodnight." We said in unison, and with one last grin he was out the door.

River cuddled back into my side with a smile still on his lips. "Are you tired?" He asked quietly.

"A little bit." I admitted. "Are you?"

He nodded, "Do you want to go to bed?"

"Only if you do." I mumbled and watched as his face lit up. He nodded before dragging me down till my head was on the pillow, and then laid against my chest. I glanced towards Austin's bed, knowing it would definitely be more comfortable, but I couldn't bring myself to ask him to move. So I just locked my arms around him and left my eyelids drop.

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