" Calm down...it ain't over " I say. You don't bring my parents, family or boyfriend into shit. Real talk.

The principal walked in and took a seat. " Lady's what caused this confrontation ? " He asked.

" The bitch pushed me and got smart " Lawd, Chelle.

" Calm down "

We had to explain everything. And since fighting was against the school handbook so we got a 3 day suspension. I shook my head. Never before. Never before had I been suspended. Now, my ex-bestfriend had to take me there.

" My mamam gon' be talking me to death after this " Da'chelle says as we walked out the school. We were late leaving after school cause we had to get the work we would be missing for the next 3 school days.

" I know my mama gon' have something to say to " I shook my head as her range rover pulling infront of me. " Need a ride ? "

" Nope, theres my uncle. Bye, bestie " She hugged me.

" Bye " I call. I opened the passenger side and got in.

" How was school ? "

" Alot happen "

" Like ? " She asked. I sighed.

" I got suspended "


" Fighting Nisa "

" You fought your bestfriend ? " She asked. I began to run down the whole story from where we stopped being friends...well from when I know we stopped. I don't know when she feel like we stop. We pulled up to the house and we sat into the car until I was finishing explaining.

" Well damn then, and to think I let her stay in my house " I chuckled. My mama a trip. " Okay, a female without shit will hate the next girl for having her priorities in line. Thats something you worked for so she doesn't have a right to be mad. Jealousy is real, Issy! But you can't go around fighting everybody who's jealous and insecure about themself so hating you. If we did...would we ever stop fighting ? " She asked me. I thought about what she said.

" I just didn't think she would turn on me like that "

" It be the closest ones too you. Why you think im rolling Solo dolo " Lawd my mama trying to stay hip. I nod. " Come on im hungry and some pork chops sounds too damn good "

" Ooh mama and can we have mashed potaoes and gravey "

" ooh and cornbread "

" Sweet corn too mama " I say following her into the house throwing down my bag. I was ready to grub.

" Dinner with Ivan tomorrow " WHAAAAT

" Wait, where ? "

" Tally's seafood " She says.

" Im bring handsome "

I ate then decided to go by Handsomes. Just because I needed tell him about today and tomorrow's dinner. I had on a Juicy Coture sweat suite. And my Jordan's. I put my hair in a bun.

Grabbing my moms keys I got into the car buckling my seat belt. It took me like 5minutes to get there. I parked and got out locking the doors behind me.

I walked up to the door and knocked. I had text him and he didn't reply. I texted Hassan and all he say was " Yo Mixbreed we at the crib " So I just came.

The door swung open. Hassan opened.

" Isis the lame "

" I got yo lame ! Where Handsome " He looked back then back at me. He just swollowed. I got confused. I pushed past him and there was Handsome...with the school hoe Lissa on his lap...

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