Someday: Chapter 5

Start from the beginning

Hana wiped her eyes with my handkerchief before replying, “Torph is naturally attracted to me.”

“You sly-,” Aika started before I cut her off.

“Aaalright,” I cut in, “I can totally hear the both of you. Now, shush.”

“I shall, just for you, Torph,” Hana said as she caressed the side of my face with her free hand.

While my left side was filled with Hana’s loving, my right side was heating up with the heat that rivals that of the Earth’s core. Not that I’ve felt the heat of the Earth’s core before, but that was the only description that entered my mind at that moment.

“Hey,” Aika said, injecting a generous amount of fury in her voice, “keep your hands off my Torph.”

“’My Torph’?” I repeated.

“He’s not your Torph,” Hana said coldly.

As the both of them threw insults back and forth, I idly wondered if a tornado would soon appear where we were standing, due to Hana’s cold remarks and Aika’s hot fury. I think a tornado would be fun.

“I want a tornado...” I said unconsciously.

“A what?” Aika stopped throwing insults at Hana.

“Why?” Hana asked as she stopped hurling hateful words at Aika.

“Ah. Just thinking out loud,” I replied. “Don’t mind me.”

And then, just like that, the three of us walked quietly to school. Another miracle.

We got to our classroom peacefully. We got to our classroom without any trouble. We got to our classroom without more bickering. We got to our classroom with the both girls clinging tightly to me. It was a sight to behold.

“Here comes the pervert,” whispered one of the girls by the door.

“Ehe. Ehehe. Ehehehehehe,” was all I could say as my two female escorts guided me to my seat.

After a while, our first instructor came in.

“Stand,” Aika said mechanically, “bow.”

“Thank you, Reed,” our instructor said to Aika, calling her by her last name which she loathes.

“That guy...” Aika said through clenched teeth.

“Chill,” I said, trying to calm her down.

“Anyway, good morning to you all,” our instructor started. “Today, we have a new transfer student. Unfortunately, she is unable to join us in our morning classes since she is still clearing some things.”

“A transfer student? This time of the year?” Hana asked from behind me.

“Seems pretty odd if you ask me,” I turned my head a little to reply.

“A new student, huh,” Aika mused.

“Yeah, well, that’s how life is,” I replied. “Always full of surprises.”

“I guess,” Aika answered.

And with that, my boring school routine started.

At the instant the bell rang, I ran out of the door and towards the roof to escape Aika and Hana. As I was nearing the top of the last flight of stairs, I caught a glimpse of white hair going out towards the roof. I opened the door and checked around to see who the white haired person was. But I searched to no avail. As I circled the place once, I saw the white hair again. This time, it was going back inside the building. As I chased after it, it disappeared again. Who was that? I don’t think there’s anyone who has white hair in this entire school. Putting my thoughts aside, I went to the nearest shade and lay down. Before I knew it, I was asleep.

“You saw me. I’m so shy.”

“-ke up. Hey Torph, I said wake up!” Aika shouted. “You’re gonna be-rather, we’re gonna be late!”

Groggily, I got up and asked Aika, “So shy of what?”

“Huh?” Aika asked as she looked at me.

“You said, ‘You saw me. I’m so shy,’ didn’t you?”

“What? I said no such thing.”

“I see... Anyway, where’s Hana?”

“Bought you your lunch,” Aika sighed. “You haven’t eaten yet, have you?”

“Er. Yeah,” I admitted.

“You really shouldn’t skip meals, Torph,” Aika sighed.

“Yes mother,” I joked.

As Aika and I laughed, Hana came over to where we were and handed me my lunch.

“Ah, thanks, Hana,” I smiled at the newly-arrived girl as I got up.

“Sure thing, Torph,” Hana replied, smiling back at me.

“Well, if you don’t mind, I’ll stuff this down while we walk,” I said.

“No problem,” Hana said.

“Sure,” Aika replied.

“Well then, thanks for the food!” I said as I opened the boxed lunch.

Lunch passed by as quietly as could be. I was able to miraculously consume the boxed lunch that Hana gave me within three minutes, and we were able to get to the classroom within five.

As our first afternoon instructor came in, he spoke, “Eh... I guess you heard about the new transfer student that was supposed to join you earlier this day. But due to some unsigned papers, she was unable to join. Fortunately, everything was finished before lunch. She is here now.”

I leaned forward to whisper to Aika, “Any idea who she is?”

“No,” Aika replied, “not really.”

I turned to face Hana, “Hey, heard of her?”

Hana leaned forward to answer, “Nope. Sorry.”

“Please, come in,” our instructor said as he gestured towards the door.

The door opened slowly, and a girl entered. Our instructor moved to the side as the new girl took his place at the middle of the platform.

The new girl opened her mouth and a single word came out. “Hi,” she said.

With that single word she uttered, I immediately realized something. She’s the one talking to me in my dreams!

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