Start from the beginning

Without wasting another second, the four of us quickly hurry to the parking lot of the infamous motel Glen Capri, the sight of the yellow school bus coming into view.

Though, what catches my attention, rather what catches all of our attention, is the strong smell of gasoline and also the view of a tall boy standing a few feet away from the bus, soaked in the flamable substance, a glowing flare in his hands.

Scott McCall looks completely hopeless as he stands there, his knuckles almost white from clutching the road flare.

"Stiles," I prod, my voice filled with panic, my eyes wide as I stare at the sight.

I hear Stiles gulo from beside me, his hand lacing with my own, his hand slightly clammy.

"Scott." His name leaves Allison's lips, her tone pleading as tears already start to form in her eyes at the sight.

"There's no hope." Scott croaks out, his eyes never meeting ours, only focusing on the ground.

"What do you mean? There's always hope." Allison desperately attempts, her voice cracking,

Scott ignores the girl, eyes skimming over to us, a sad glint in his brown eyes, "not for me, not for Derek."

"Derek wasn't your fault. You know Derek wasn't your fault." Allison is almost in hysterics, her short-ish hair falling in front of her face, tears streaming down her cheeks.

I glance back at Scott McCall, the sight breaking my heart, the thought of him dropping the flare coming to mind, to which I only shake away the horrible image.

"Every time I try to fight back, it just gets worse." Scott's voice is hopeless, tears pooling in his eyes, "people keep getting hurt. People keep getting killed."

"Scott, listen to me, okay?" I manage to croak out, my grip tightening on Stiles' hand, "this isn't you, all right? This is someone inside your head telling you to do this. Okay? Now-"

"What if it isn't?" He interrupts, "what if it is just me? What if doing this is actually the best thing that I could do for everyone else? It all started that night, the night I got bitten." His grip loosens slightly on the flare, my heart hammering in my chest, hoping to god that he won't drop it.

"You remember the way it was before that? You and me and Stiles, we were- we were- we were nothing." He spits out, voice cracking, "we weren't popular. Me and Stiles weren't good at lacrosse. We weren't important. We were no one. Maybe I should just be no one again. No one at all."

It is true though. You'd think because my sister is Lydia Martin I'd be popular too, but people always just see my sister.

The perfect strawberry blonde and then Lilly-her sister. People didn't even know Lydia had a sister until Lydia would tell them about me. Don't get me wrong I didn't mind being no one, because I got to be no one with my two best friends- Stiles and Scott.

"Scott, just listen to me, okay? You're not no one. Okay? You're someone, you're- Scott, you're my best friend. Okay?" The tears pooling in Stiles' eyes doesn't go unnoticed by me, his words gentle.

Stiles lets go of my hand, stepping into the gasoline.

I don't even hesitate, copying his actions, taking a rightful stance next to him, my hand firmly gripping his.

Stiles stares down at me for a brief second, his eyed pleading for me to step out of the flamable liquid, but I only deny his look, focusing on Scott, the flare hanging loosely in his grip.

"We need you Scott." I tell him, eyes searching thr brown eyes boy's, hoping he'd take our words into consideration, hoping that he would register them.

"Scott, you're my brother. All right, so- so if you're gonna do this, then I think you're just gonna have to take us with you. All right?"

Scott falters at this, giving Stiles the chance to reach out his hand, gripping the road flare in it.

I let out a sigh of relief, Stiles throwing the flare to the side, is landing a good few inched away from the gasoline.

My eyes are trained on the road flare, widening when it begins to roll in the direction of the gasoline.

Before I can even register the reality of the situation, I, together with Scott and Stiles, are tackled to the ground by Lydia and Allison, all of us safely landing out of the gasoline infested road.

I cover my head, the sharp flames burning my eyes, the smell invading my senses to which I let out a cough

Note to self: Never go on a school road trip again.


Edited [04 March 2018]

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