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This is one of the first things I've ever tried to write but I hope you guys enjoy it!

******** Mr. Ambrose POV

I sat at my desk waiting for miss... No it is Mr I remind myself! Mr Victor Linton! My thoughts were becoming increasingly disobedient... ever since she came into my life. STOP THINKING AND GET ON WITH YOUR WORK I mentally say to myself- these thoughts are incredibly inefficient!! I try to give myself a long hard icy glare to stop my subconscious drifting to thoughts of her.

Suddenly the door to my office swung open and in came a very flustered looking Mr Linton... An entire 10 minutes and 45 seconds late. I open my mouth to tell her so when she beats me to it, rather hurriedly saying "I know I'm late. I'm sorry I can't stay long though I have to go-"
"Go Mr. Linton? You are quite aware that you are already late and that I require your services for precisely 10 hours 32 minutes and 11 seconds more? " I reply after checking my very convenient pocket watch. I looked up and the... man in front of me looked so very pitiful that I could not help but soften my glare a little bit.
wonder why you're going soft all of a sudden... It couldn't possibly be because you care for Lilly now could it? I shook my head a mm side to side trying to rid myself of these ridiculous thoughts.

"Do you think that because I'm a woman I'm stupid! Of course I know that you bloody chauvinistic miser! I'm just here to tell you SIR that ... I...

"Mr Linton I do not have all day. Now fetch me file S57gjx. The time you have wasted here today shall be deducted from your wages so I suggest you get a move on" I gave her my stoniest glare that would make most people quiver in fear. Not my Lilly though for she took two steps forward, glared right back at me and practically shouted "I'M GROUNDED OK! BLAST YOU YOU INCONSIDERATE-

And the rest of her words I did not hear. Grounded I thought. I forgot that she was still living with her aunt and uncle. Why though? Why was she grounded? And why can't she just sneak out of her house like usual? Her aunt has never noticed before. Panic rose within me at the thought that I wouldn't be able to see her or know how she was doing every day.
"How long?" I blurted out, without even realising it before it was too late, and the words were already out of my mouth. She glared at the interuption until I noticed her lips twitched slightly before she smiled brightly- wait... was that concern in my voice? Did she notice? I must rid her of this notion immediately! "How long are you grounded for Mr linton? I shall have to hire a new private secretary for the time you are gone, and there shall be no guarantee that your job shall be here when you get back. Time waits for no man Mr linton."

Choosing to ignore most of what I just said, though her body seemed to stiffen measurably, she replied "two weeks, and I know that no one can tell the all powerful Mr Ambrose what to do, but some people cannot afford to get kicked out of their house and so I have no choice but to go!" she says her voice rising like a volcano about to explode with every word. She then walked towards my door and before leaving decided to acknowledge my previous threat. She turned and uttered with fierce determination "Just so you are aware I will fight for this job against anyone who wants to take it from me, and I am not one known to lose." Then she stormed out and left the room silent once more.

Thinking of her words I knew this was true, as she has fought me verbally many a time, and though of course I could never admit it, has won many times. My fiery little ifrit I thought. There would never be anyone to replace her. Never.
So..... How'd I do??? You've got to love Lilly and Mr Ambrose don't ya they're just so cute together!!
Next chappie will be about how Mr. Ambrose is coping with Lilly being gone, and this may result in someone becoming perhaps a tad bit drunk! I'm gonna have some laughs writing that 😂😂 anyways vote! Comment! Leave ideas for one shots! And of course Ship Lambrose forever!!!

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