Chapter 1

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"Elsa, quit being such a winter queen all cold and . . ."

"Scar, goddamnit! It was just one freaking Disney movie and my name was tarnished in it."

Scarlett grinned, her lips curved into a thousand watt smile. She just might be able to get an emotional rise out of her friend after all; it had been weeks since she had done anything but mope around.

"Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night, darling, we all know that when the sun goes down and the moon comes out, you will sing your heart out . . ." she mocked in a sing-song way and then proceeded to belt out the lyrics of Let it Go.

"Scarlett Hale, God better help me or I will kill you! You sound worse then a hyperventilating walrus. Just shut up already!"

Unfortunately, Scarlett's screeching reached an even higher pitch until a pillow was thrown at her face, knocking her down to the ground whereupon a stack of books landed on her stomach, making the air rush out of her lungs. Elsa just roared with laughter, tears streaming down her face as Scarlett wheezed ineffectually at her feet.

Finally, untangling herself from the unusual position, she tackled her best friend into a tickle war, a development that truly didn't bode well for either girl. Within minutes, the room that had taken weeks to be carefully arranged and look presentable was remodeled to the likeness of a site of a nuclear weapon's detonation; this was lost on the girls, however, as they were having the time of their life.

"It's nice to see you smiling again Estella . . ."

As soon as she made the statement, the room's temperature seemed to plummet. Immediately her face reddened, embarrassment apparent in her flush and her eyes abruptly lost their playful sparkle. Before she could reply, a timid knock threw the door open dramatically before them and the new girl at the threshold attempted (albeit unsuccessfully) to hold back a startled gasp.

"I am so terribly sorry!" she squeaked in fear.

Elsa and Scarlett couldn't hold back the bout of laughter any longer and were soon choking on their own breath. This would surely bring the matron's wrath upon them but it would be worth the expression on her face.

"Estella Scott, that better have not been you experimenting the effects of another stink bomb. The last had me in the hospital for a month."

The three girls exchanged alarmed glances amongst themselves before they began scrambling to fix the catastrophe that happened to be their room. But somehow the door wouldn't stay in its place and they could hear the matron cursing in rapid French as she stomped up the rickety stairs, the sound of the groaning wood recognizable from their vantage point. It was a wonder how it held up under all that weight, as it was no secret that the matron loved to eat. Not the disgusting meals prepared by the cafeteria that could barely pass as food, though. No; it was the homemade food, or candy that was confiscated and stashed away only to be hogged down!

"Scarlett, c'est impossible! C'est un veritable cauchemar! Je ne sais pas quoi faire!"

But the new girl calmly gave the door a weird look before she kicked it into place and pushed the bed against it. With a few spare curtains lying around, she bundled the contraption together and even though it looked like a hangman from their side waiting to drop a pile of laundry on any poor unsuspecting fellow, it would save their skins for the time being. The girls slumped back against the wall waiting to see the consequences of their actions.

"Estella darling, open the door." The matron screamed while banging on the door as though her life depended on it. And surprisingly the door held.

"Scar, what are we going to do? That door surely won't hold against the force of that brute," she whispered hurriedly.

"We are going to go the guys' dorm after witnessing this: our normal escape plan. New girl, follow me and Elsa, don't forget to record this!"

"I have a name and no, it's not new girl or ma cherie. It happens to be Lena, and I would appreciate it if you called me that . . ."

"Estella, I'm not going to ask again."

"Hasn't anyone told that lady she needs to learn manners?" Lena asked. She went up to the door and replied sweetly, "It's open."

The next few minutes put these girls on top of all the Youtube charts, the likes of which had, and probably never would, be seen and the comments section blew up, with many praising their 'on point skills', making them an international sensation! The matron turned the knob and their hangman turned its head. She slowly tested the door and deciding it was safe, she pushed it hard. The hangman wrung himself out and a viscous liquid bathed the matron. The shelves shook on the impact and a row of books slammed into her face, causing the immense woman to fall into the laundry basket with a resounding thud.

But try as she did, she found herself unable to prise the basket from her considerable bottom. She was stuck! She got up and opened her mouth to cry out for holy intervention, but she accidentally hit their jackpot. Bottles toppled and in a flurry of colourful candy, licorice, and the occasional chocolate, the matron was defeated. Unfortunately for her, she stepped onto a skateboard which carried her out of the window and into a dumpster. Luckily, the drop wasn't a long way down and her fall was dampened by all that trash. But fortune didn't favour her, as her struggling caused much of junk to adhere to her body, and soon she looked like garbage herself. Needless to say, the garbage collectors neglected to observe a human in the trash (though in the girls' mutual opinion the woman was trash anyway) and dumped her in the local dump yard. 

The next morning she would find herself in a hospital with the three girls staring at her warily before she resigned!. God knew she deserved a vacation.

Elsa broke the silence with: "We better tell the boys, Scar. We need their help now, but my gosh, it was a scene out of the movies for us!"


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Until next time ;)

Arcadian CravingTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang