Chapter 5 - The Walk

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I was pulled out of my trance by Kaiden tapping my shoulder and saying "Flo! there is someone behind you, get out of the doorway!" I looked behind me and saw a very frustrated looking mum and daughter waiting for me to move. I stepped forward and outside apologising to the lady and her daughter.

I looked over at Kaiden and saw him chuckling at me he said to me "Forgot how to move your legs there for a second did you?".

I looked at him and blushed with embarrassment. What was I supposed to say 'no I just got caught up with how amazingly beautiful you are' yeah not gonna happen.

I didnt say anything and started to walk towards the end of the ice rink, towards the peer. He was walking besides me as I asked him "What are you doing down here any way?"

He quickly replied saying "I have hockey training on mondays, sundays and thursdays"

Without thinking I said "How long have you been doing hockey for?" He thought about it for a couple of seconds before saying "Since I was ten I think"

I looked at him and smiled "Me too" I chirped.

We were coming up to the path towards the peer and I continued walking in that direction. But Kaiden pulled me back and said "Come this way its quicker"

I simply said "Okay then" and followed his lead.

This path was much smaller so we were now a lot closer together. His arm kept brushing against mine sending shivers down my spine. I felt the heat radiated off of his body onto mine. It was like cosying up to a fire on a cold winters night. I dont know why he was making me feel this way, I felt like the butterflies were going to explode out of my mouth. Why was I so nervous?

We were now getting closer and closer to the sea, I could feel it through the breeze in the air, plus you could pretty much hear it from a mile away.

We stopped in front of a big tree to the side of the path. He told me to follow his lead as he started to climb the tree. I stepped back a bit and said "Kaiden I can not climb this tree! I have no upper body strength at all!"

He looked at me and said "Fine come here"

I walked closer to the tree as he lent down and stuck out his hand to pull me up. I grabbed onto it and he very easily pulled me up the tree, showing his strength.

Our bodies were now pressed together as we were sandwiched between two branches. I could feel his hot breath fan across my face and the butterflies started to return. I looked up at him and he was looking down at me he started to speak quietly saying "keep climbing were nearly there"

He shoved himself off of me and started to climb higher, pulling me up with him. When we reached the top he stepped onto a wall the tree was leaning against. He pulled me up onto the wall and we both sat down facing the sea.

I was speechless. The view was beautiful! you could see for miles up here. I slowly breathed out "Wooww!".

He looked down at me and smiled before saying "I know, I like to come here before training, it helps me relax before I go on the ice"

I looked at him and smirked "Ya know Kaiden you come across all hard and mean, but i think inside there is just a big softie waiting to come out" I said poking him in the ribs.

He looked at me and hardened his face puffing out his chest a little bit "Uh no Flo this is all rock solid hardness here, no time for softies" he said pointing at himself.

I giggled a bit and hit him playfully on the arm.

I started to shiver as I took my jumper off because it got wet when I spilled my water on it earlier. Kaiden must have seen that I was cold as he started to take his hockey hoodie of and handed it over to me. I looked at him and smiled slightly saying "You don't have to Kaiden, i'm alright".

He looked down at me and said "No its fine im not cold any way... keep it I have plenty of them at home, you can wear it skating, as your good luck charm when I'm not there"

I looked at him and smiled saying "Thank you" Before pulling it over my head and instantly feeling warmer. I inhaled his scent coming off of the jumper. It was an amazing smell! A mix of his cologne and just his natural scent.

He smirked and said "So you admit that I'm your good luck charm!".

I looked at him and giggled saying "No way Kaiden I landed that jump all on my own!"

He looked at me and smiled saying "Yeah, yeah what ever, any way, my jumper looks way better on you than it does on me".

I looked down at myself and saw that it was huge on me! "Just a touch too big though".

He chuckled and said "You can pull of the baggy look".

I giggled at his comment and looked out at the sea.

"Ya know it really is beautiful up here!" I said admiring the view. He averted his eyes from me out into the sea "I know, my dad used to take me out here when I was little".

I smiled to myself before saying "Are you close with your dad?"

His faced dropped a little bit and his eyes filled with sadness. I instantly thought 'shit what have I done!'

He slowly said "I used to be"

I looked at him and furrowed my eyebrows and said "Not any more? What happened?".

He said with no emotion on his face "He passed away when I was 13".

I felt a flood of sadness wash over me. I could see the hurt in his eyes.

I said quietly grabbing his hand "I am so sorry Kaiden, I didn't mean to bring it up".

He looked out into the sea and squeezed my hand slightly saying "Its okay you didn't know" He kept a hold of my hand and shuffled around looking at me saying "You are the first person I have ever brought up here other than my dad".

I looked at him and couldn't help but get butterflies again looking into his eyes I said "Really? Why me".

He looked at me in the eyes saying "Don't take this the wrong way but, I don't know, I guess I trust you more than other people" He laughed at little and said "Crazy right I have only known you for like two weeks".

I looked down at our still joined hands and said "No its not, I think it's cute and kinda flattering that you brought me up here and no one else, Kaiden this is beautiful, I could never thank you enough for bringing me up here! No one has ever taken me anywhere like this before!"

He looked at me and smiled "I'm glad you like it, you should come here more often with me"

I looked at him and smiled saying "I would love to.

I was looking deep into his eyes as he stared across the sea and slowly started to realise that, I think I like Kaiden.


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I probably won't be putting in a cast as I know when I read teen fictions that when the guy they have chosen is not who I pictured it as, It is kinda off putting so I will just let you imagine all the characters for yourselves

Thankyou for reading once again hope you liked this chapter <3

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