I'd said.

How are you two getting along?!

Excellent! This one's a sneaky one.

The reporter laughs.

How about you Prince Aalaahdith?

Uh, well, Nayla is...lovely.

He'd said. His voice is low and quiet. But I giggle at his flustered face.

The camera switches back to her face. Black hair and big glasses.

Their date ran smoothly until the sprinklers attacked them. They handled it pretty well though.

A picture showed Aala and I in the rain. It didn't really look like we were running away, more like we were...playing in it, with our childish smiles and quirky posture.

"Looks like someone had fun," Rose says.

"I know I did."

"Yeah, and I know you weren't the only one."

"I hope not."

"Princess Nayla, what do you plan to do now?" Rose asks casually.

"Getting closer to the boys one on one would be a good start," I shrug. I tuck a small grand of hair behind my ear.

"Oooh. I see. Getting a little of this and that on, huh," Rose teases.

"Rose!" I exclaim. My hands get warm and I feel it crawling through my arms and up, reaching my face in no time at all. "N-not like that..." I mumble.

"Yeah yeah, that's what they all say." She shakes her hand as if swatting a fly. "Alright, you're set."

Alright, one on one time.


After a little nod to the guards at his door, I knock once.

We had agreed that the prince's guards from their own country could accompany their princes. That doesn't mean that our guards weren't insistent on helping to keep the princes safe though.

I hear a small shuffle and a rustle from the nob. He opens the door and his eyes are wide in surprise.

"Hi there!" He greets.

"Hi Cepos," I say.

"Oh! Come in."

"Are you sure? I don't want to interrupt anything."

"No no, not busy. Come come." He holds the door open as I walk through. I sit in a vacant seat across his bed, where he sits. His curly hair is in it's usual nest. His dress tee is pink. His pants are pastel blue and is striped in white.

"How are you? With everything?" I ask, more implying about yesterday.

"Well, tired...and was sir prized," he replies.

"Ah, me too. I slept good."

He chuckles. Those dimples show. Oh how many girls has he swooned with them!? I suppress a crazed giggle.

"I slept much good. Very happy," he says.

"Well, what do you do in here?" I gesture to his room.

He thinks for a bit, then he says, "I will show you." He gets up and I follow him to his desk. Paper is stacked in piles of different sizes. Cans are filled with paintbrushes, colored pencils, and regular pencils. Lots of pencils. They're scattered across the desk and floor.

An easel stands beside his window. It holds a large, blank canvas. I pick up a piece of paper on his desk. It's a sketch of a girl. Her hair is long and curled.

Then I realize...it's me. I look at Cepos. He flushes when he sees what I have in my hand. His hand rubs the back of his neck and the other swipes his face vertically.

"Um, that-"

"You drew this!" I interrupt. He nods slowly. "That's amazing! Do you like to draw!?" He nods again and bites his lip. "You're amazing. I for one, can't draw for my life." He chuckle again. His eyes are brighter. And if I'm not wrong, that innocent smile shimmers with embarrassment

"Thank you. Yes, love to draw." He closes his eyes and hugs himself. I laugh and look through more of his drawings.

"Just, wow." I gape at his art. "When did you get into drawing?" I ask.

"Hmm, my mom loves painting. She taught me. Then I like it too. Fun, happy, easy. I like," he smiles and sighs.

Ah! That explains his mother's peculiar fashion sense.

I notice his furrowed brows. His lips are pressed tightly together. "Is something wrong?" I ask.

"No words. Can't, can't...explain with words, hard," He smiles solemnly.

"You don't always have to use your words Cepos."

Then he smiles.

Oh those dimples.


Um, hi guys.

I won't be able to update as much because of school. But I will update as soon as I can.

9th grade here I come!

It'll be a slow process, but please bear with me.

Thank you!

The Princess Needs A Princeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें