||Sixty-Eight, #GuardYourHeart||

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The Bible verse for the day is:
Proverbs 4:23
Guard your heart, above all else. For it is the source of life.

The random quote for the day is:
"Know your worth, cause you are priceless
More than gold, more than diamonds
Be the light inside the dark
Keep your faith and guard you heart."
-1GN (Guard Your Heart)

The song for the day is:
Guard Your Heart by 1GN

Quote 68-out of-100 is:
"It's better to be single than to give your heart to someone who isn't willing to commit to you in a godly intentional way. Guard your heart and continue to live your life for the Lord and wait for what He has in store."
Read Proverbs 4:23 (above^)
-Morgan Harper Nichols

Authors note: Hi everybody!!!
Obviously this chapter has a theme :) #GuardYourHeart

I had planned out in my head this awesome paragraph about guarding your heart, and then I realized that Morgan said it perfectly in her quote. I stole this quote from chapter 18, because it goes with the theme. Anyway, please take this chapter to heart. It's better to Guard Your Heart and be single for a while than to be with the wrong guy.

Here is one more quote for you:

"The reason why God allowed him to walk away is because you prayed for a good man, and he wasn't it."

Ugh, that hits my heart. Because its so true :)


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