Welcome To The Hotel California

Start from the beginning

(Late at night, all was asleep but the forest. The forest was always awake. I was always afraid of monsters that lurked in the forest but I never thought that I'd be living with a monster. Of all monsters that were out there, my aunt was worse than they were. Aunt Ellena locked me up in the basement again. My hands tied to the chair in a room where the lights were dead. I quivered with fear, as I heard footsteps descending from the staircase. A blinding light flashed, burning my eyes. I squinted to fix my vision only to see her with a terrible expression. "This is all your fault" She grunted almost like a boar. "P-please d-don't do this auntie" I shuddered. Excruciating pain crept in; followed by a blood curdling scream . Blood was flowing everywhere. Gallons of blood. Blood blood BLOOD BLOOD- )


White lights blinded me.

"What?" my voice sounded raspy. My blurry vision began to get a little clearer. I saw Dean and his arms wrapped around me. "Hey hey. You're okay" Dean kept repeating these words over and over but really I am okay. I just probably tripped and bumped my head because I don't really remember passing out.
"What are you talking about I'm perfectly fine" I said pulling myself up. Sam quickly acted by grabbing me and making sure I don't fall stumble again. "I'm okay. Just go back and wait for me to finish making dinner" I groaned while picking up utensils . "Hey you're not okay. You passed out on the floor I mean don't you think there's something wrong with that?" Dean said with a worried frown. "I'm okay!" I raised my voice. A look of horror drew on their faces as their eyes met with mines. "Alright Sage, just put down the knife" Sam said calmly.
I never even noticed. Sure I am messed up but I wouldn't want to kill the Winchesters.

Deep breaths.

You gonna do it?

What no way.

Sure you are.

"I-um. I'm sorry" I said and put the knife down. A look of relief drew on both their faces. "Take it easy alright Sage" Dean said. I nodded as they got out of the kitchen.

Just take it easy. Everything will be okay.


I assembled my slider burgers and my chicken was already ready. I decided that it was best to put the apple pie I made in the oven and the chocolate covered strawberries in the fridge.

I laid out the food on the table and I watched the Winchesters mouth water. It's as if they've never seen food before. I passed around plates and utensils and I swear I could hear both their stomachs growling. "Well. Aren't you gonna eat?" I asked raising an eyebrow. Dean went with a burger and Sam began dumping mashed potatoes onto his plate and pouring the cream sauce with the chicken he picked up. It felt like they were both basically inhaling whatever was there. "Hey aren't you gonna eat?" Dean asked with his mouth full as if he's some kind of squirrel. I admit I was starving but guests deserve better food than me.
"No thanks you guys should eat" I forced a smile. Immediately after that, my stomach bellowed. They both paused and put down whatever they were eating. "If this is another family rule then we'll stop eating until you eat" Sam said looking concerned.
"No no just eat I'll be fine" I lied. Dean stood up and walked to the kitchen and brought back a plate. He started piling it up with the chicken and mashed potatoes then set it in front of me" Dean no" I said pushing it away. "Sage, one of your family rules says 'Listen to the guests' and I say you ignore your family rules and eat" He said pushing it back to me.

Shots fired.

"I hate you Dean Winchester" I sighed. He just smiled proudly as I pouted in defeat. I began to cut my chicken into small pieces and picked it with my fork.

This probably won't taste as good as they say it does.

Boy was I wrong.

The flavor of the chicken and its sauce seemed to explode in my mouth. The sauce felt like I was lying on a cushion.

How is my food this good? This is just amazing.


After everyone was done with their food, I heard the ringing of my oven. I immediately stood up "Prepare yourselves for dessert!" I exclaimed, running towards the kitchen to the take out the apple pie. I opened the oven and aromatized the kitchen with the dreamy smell of freshly baked pie. I put on my oven mitts and carried the pie then placed it on a counter. I then went to open the fridge to get the chocolate covered strawberries.

I walked out of the kitchen holding the pie and the strawberries. I placed them both on the table. Dean didn't hesitate to grab the pie and take a huge slice of it. Sam shook his head but smiled a little. Sam looked at the strawberries then back at me. He pushed the chocolate covered strawberries towards me and I felt that I had no choice but to give in.

Sam smiled the moment I picked up a strawberry. In a matter of seconds, I began devouring the delicious strawberries at an incredible speed. Before I knew it, there were no strawberries left. I smiled feeling a bit


"Whelp, I'm off to play Tyler" I got up from my chair. "Feel free to do anything but leave or go in the basement" I said walking towards the piano. I sat on the stool and stretched my fingers. "Why don't you play us something Beethoven?" He snickered. "Sure any requests?" I asked. Dean thought for awhile. "How bout playing your favorite?"

My favorite?

"But no Bieber" He added.
I don't even like Bieber what is he on about?

I gently placed my hands on the soft keys and began playing.

Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely place
Such a lovely face
Plenty of room at the hotel California
Anytime of year
You can find it here

My mind felt like the Hotel California. I could always check out and abandon the room of dark thoughts , but like an endless loop.
I'm still a prisoner reliving the nightmares and I can never leave.


Aaahh this chapter took me awhile to complete. Mostly because of writers block and the editing. This was supposed to be done yesterday but I needed to edit it more. But that flashback though and the voices in Sage's head. WHAT ON EARTH COULD BE GOING ON??
Also Happy Supernatural Day!! It's hard to believe that Supernatural has been ongoing for 11 years. Makes my cold heart warm up a little :')
Latifa (The meme)

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